我將會前往英國升讀大學,預計將會留學四年以上,那第四年起的學費會是以local students 計算嗎?我在網上看到的多是BNO 的學費計算...?
我父親是在九十年代獲得具居英權的英國護照(非BNO),我於九八年在香港出生,即將年滿十八歲,同樣持有英國護照,但從未去過英國,我是否同樣具有居英權(by descent)?
回答 (2)
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]
>> 如果你爸爸既passport 唔係decent 既話, 理倫上係可以以decent 既方法有居英權. 但係呢個居英權係唔可以pass 俾你既下一代既.
1) 我將會前往英國升讀大學,預計將會留學四年以上,那第四年起的學費會是以local students 計算嗎?我在網上看到的多是BNO 的學費計算...?
>> 而如果你有british passport 既話, 就算你係黎英國讀大學, 都係要俾oveaseas 既學費, 因為要俾英國local 學費係有特定既要求. 其中一項係你既屋企人要係英國俾過稅, 咁先可以既. 我有幾個大學朋友係拎英國passport 但係都係要俾overseas 學費, 因為屋企人都冇係英國住過, 冇交過稅. 而亦有朋友既屋企人為左可以個女俾local 學費, 就黎左英國住幾年, 令到個女可以qualified.
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
It is best to answer backward.
1. Yes. You are not qualified for BN(O) Passport as you are born in 1998. On that basis, it is correct to presume that your passport is indeed a British Citizen Passport and you have the right of abode in the U.K.
Since you are born in Hong Kong, you are a British Citizen by descent.
2. Yes. Please note - it may not be an automatic process. So it is best to check with the school.
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