I found out my brother watches porn ?

2016-01-25 9:38 am
I told my 12 year old brother a secret of mine and in return he told me a secret of his, he told me he watches porn and masturbates. I'm trying not to be too affected by it and sort of knew that he did but i feel kind of freaked out when I'm near him and like i shouldn't let him touch me or see me in a bikini ?

回答 (7)

2016-01-25 9:44 am
Please don't let your brother touch you or see you in a bikini. He is on a course of action by watching porn where he is getting a completely warped idea about women and sexuality. Please tell your parents that he's watching porn. You've got to be very careful that he doesn't experience sexuality with you.
2016-01-25 9:43 am
Umm, Unless he's watching a bunch of incest clips, I'd say you got nothing to worry about.
2016-07-25 5:26 pm
參考: Watch Hot Girl Alone - http://CamGz.com/?KtEQ
2016-01-25 10:49 am
It's normal for boys to masturbate, and it's also quite normal to be curious about porn. This really has nothing to do with you or your bikini, so I wouldn't worry. And it's good that you guys can share secrets.
2016-01-25 10:00 am
OK, let me put this into perspective for you: Did he tell you he watches incest porn? Has he ever made a move on you? Probably not. He just shared a secret with you. So, it is time to stop being judgy and realize that your brother is just like anyone else at his age discovering his body. It has nothing to do with you. If you can't be yourself around him because of this, even after you say you already knew, that says a lot about you not him.
2016-01-25 9:49 am
I think he most likely does not see you the same as he sees other girls you are his sister right? I think you should be more concerned for your friends
2016-01-25 9:42 am
Watching porn in no way implies that his sister does it for him. It is massively likely he isn't interested.

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