My bike is JUNK and pick and pull wants it?

2016-01-25 7:46 am
It's a 2011 mongoose Tyax elite got into a small accident and split the frame in two they want $200 for it should I do it? Everything else is fine on it

回答 (5)

2016-01-26 1:07 am
Yes. Any money for a broken bike is gold.
2016-01-25 1:45 pm
Take the money & rune...with a smile on your face.
2016-01-26 2:32 am
sure sell it
bike sounds junky anyway
2016-01-25 11:39 am
According to here:
$200 is a fair deal.
That kind of money, or close enough, ought to buy you another used one.
Question is, what d you do with it otherwise?

A new frame will probably cost that much, or more.
2016-01-25 8:04 am
I would certainly do it. But you'd have to look at the cost to replace it, versus the cost of fixing it. $200 may be a good deal in this scenario.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:49:39
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