Is it OKAY/Normal for a guy not to converse with you until date night? READ?

2016-01-25 4:01 am
Met this new guy, he asked for my number. We talked for few days & asked about each other. Then he asked to take me out. He set up a date (tuesday) and time. He also planned what we are going to do and said he will pick me up. Is it normal/okay that he doesn't contact me after he planned the date? Im assuming he'll text me tomorrow night or the day of the date. But I'm wondering if this is normal....

回答 (4)

2016-01-25 4:09 am
I don't like to talk to much before a date, then we have nothing to talk about on the actual date, no big deal
2016-01-25 4:18 am
Is he initiating all conversations?
2016-01-25 4:14 am
Hard to say what's normal when there are so many new possibilities. I was "off the market" for about 7 years and suddenly I'm finding you can't get a date with someone without playing 20 questions via text message. For me, texting is an annoyance to get through so we can get to the point of enjoying face-to-face conversations.
2016-01-25 4:10 am
That's fine. You need to leave a little mystery. Only chat a lot if you are exclusive.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:29:37
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