im 16 having chest pains im really nervous because of it im worried im having a heart attack i was wondering if it was from sneezing?

2016-01-25 3:23 am

回答 (9)

2016-01-25 4:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Chest pains in teens isn't heart related. Muscle strain, anxiety, acid reflux, most likely symptoms.
2016-01-27 1:19 am
Odds are youre fine bro. However all these people ripping on you should know heart conditions do occur in some children and can lead to sudden cardiac arrest without any prior symptoms until its too late. I would demand your children to be screened with at least an EKG. Especially if they are active in sports. You never know how serious this can be until it happens in your area or to someone you personly know. It is rare, but definitely worth a screening. It should be mandatory in all physicals and school athletics and such.
2016-01-27 4:34 am
Anytime you have chest pains, no matter what age you are, it is recommended that you see a doctor. This being said, chances are that it is probably not heart related, but rather stress/anxiety induced, acid reflux or GERD, or a pulled muscle in your chest wall from sneezing or coughing. I would still see the doctor to rule out any heart problems and to receive care from any of the other possibilities I mentioned; they are all treatable.
Best wishes and keep us updated, well those of us who take your concern seriously anyway!
2016-01-26 3:58 am
It's not a heart attack at 16, that's ridiculous.
Anxiety, acid reflux, muscle strain would be the cause.
2016-01-25 2:09 pm
Not a heart attack in any way shape or form. If you mean you have chest pain from sneezing, yes it's possible if you constrict your body in such a way that it effects your chest.
2016-01-25 4:32 am
It is rare for 16 year olds to have heart attacks (though it does happen). Did the chest pain come on recently with a cold? Coughing/congestion will create fluid build up in the lungs which can cause chest pain
2016-01-25 3:40 am
i havnt been sneezing but i was sick a few days ago and when i sneezed which was alot it hurt quite a bit
2016-01-25 3:30 am
Does it hurt when you sneeze?
2016-01-26 1:16 am
give it a break, drama queen/king. it's not a heart attack. sneezing? jeeze louise. if you are really worried, go to the the ER and waste the time of medical staff who need to care for people with real problems.

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