Why does My doctor saying Im alright when Im feeling sick? Could i have a terminaning illness?

2016-01-25 2:24 am
Im healthy "or at least healthy looking" 18 year old male. Two weeks ago i lifted a heavy object and got a scrotal hernia with mild testicular pain but the doctor said that I would be alright and didnt required any surgery. Two weeks have passed by i starter to have same testicular pain after a working out but this time i felt like the hernia got bigger and my small intestines just bursted out of my stomach and now i feel my small intestine circulating all over my body and extremities so imediately ran into ER again . They only gave me pain killers and gave me an abdominal and pelvic CT scan. But once again the doctor said ill be allright. Im getting a little worried now because the doctor recomended me to a hospice but i still dont have an answear from them and ive had severely decresed apetite, numbnes on finger tips and feel very exhausted all the time (ive heard thoes are some of the symptoms of death) could the doctor be hidding the true diagnose? If so,, why?

回答 (2)

2016-01-25 5:05 am
Something is strange about your story. Are you leaving out some details? Are you in the United States? Get a second opinion from a different doctor (make sure it's an M.D. and not a nurse practitioner or a D.O.) and bring as much of the paper work from the ER as possible.
2016-01-25 2:27 am
I'd try another ER. I'd think if you were dying, they would tell you to get your things in order.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:29:36
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