Fasting schedule?

2016-01-25 2:10 am
Alright, so i'm 16 and looking to drop a couple pounds (like 15) by fasting and obviously i'm busy with school (8-3pm) so i'm finding it kinda hard to get a good fast in, in addition I also stay at school till 5 to workout so it's kinda hard to get a good 6-8 hour fast in. So any tips?

I'm a guy btw

回答 (3)

2016-01-25 2:18 am
Fasting isn't a good way to lose weight. It's much better, and more effective to eat healthier and workout. Fasting can have a negative effect on your metabolism and cause you to gain weight rather than lose it. Believe me, fasting is not the way to go about it. It's unhealthier, riskier, and less effective. You're 16, you're still developing and changing. Don't get too caught up in dieting because chances are, you're fine the way you are!
2016-01-25 2:15 am
Don't fast. It's a mistake. It teaches your body that you can't rely on food so you should store it up as much as possible. Look at starving people in Africa -- they all have distended stomachs sticking out. Is that how you want to look?

Instead, learn to exercise and eat right to lose weight, and plan to lose no more than two pounds a week, or it will come back fast.
2016-01-25 2:23 am

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:50:58
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