Geese as guard animals?

2016-01-24 10:09 pm
I AM NOT CONSIDERING USING GEESE AS A GUARD ANIMAL! I was actually on a site selling poultry animals and on the geese profile, it said geese make good guard animals. are they being serious? I know geese can be visious, but is it really true?

回答 (4)

2016-01-24 10:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Geese and guinea fowl both make good "watch dogs". They are extremely noisy at any intrusion into their space. They aren't exactly protective, but they are great for sounding the early warning alarm. Gives you time to get your shotgun. Down side is they never seem to get used to disturbances that belong there. They will sound the alarm every time you drive up, as though they don't recognize, or remember you.
2016-01-24 10:11 pm
They can be vicious but mostly they can be LOUD! We have a flock of guinea fowl that make an ungodly racket if a stranger drives up. If it's a familiar visitor they never stop pecking and scratching. Geese are the same way. Especially a Gander or older Goose.
2017-01-13 4:16 pm
Geese As Guard Animals
2016-01-25 2:17 am
ive heard that too, think about it if your a stranger trying to like steal something and a flock of geese charge you youre gonna book it and not come back ahahah

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