People say I'm dirty cause I think ahead. What do you lot think?

2016-01-24 9:51 pm

回答 (6)

2016-01-24 10:47 pm
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::/ this means nothing to me.
If you choose best answer, leave comments!
2016-01-24 9:52 pm
No, they say you're dirty cause I can smell you from here, seriously take a damn shower andy, you're turning into a health hazard.
2016-01-24 10:47 pm
Cheaters are good at thinking ahead..
But,they do not think enough ahead about the punishment they will get if they get caught.
2016-01-24 10:19 pm
Don't assume is my advice if somebodys story is basically not think
2016-01-24 9:52 pm
to be ahead is to be dirty maybe, an unfair advantage
2016-01-24 9:52 pm

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