How much wrong are we willing to do in the name of right, to right the wrong?

2016-01-24 8:59 pm
請幫我英翻中 好嗎?

回答 (3)

2016-01-25 7:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
2016-01-25 5:22 am
How much wrong are we willing to do in the name of right, to right the wrong?


*SORRY版大, 誤解了您的意思。

【 對不起啊!Princy小師父,

其實我真的很想很想把這句子翻好, 也許字面越是簡單的就更➕不簡單, 可是我.....】

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2016-06-16 5:41 am
How much wrong are we willing to do in the name of right(名詞),(逗號等同and,且將二個不定詞片語連椄)to right(動詞) the wrong?句型分析後就易解了。翻譯:我們以公正之名義 而做了多少錯事或將做了多少將錯事予以糾正

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