i noticed my cat scratching her ears and doing a painful sounding moan is there anyway i can clean them out?

2016-01-24 6:17 pm

回答 (7)

2016-01-24 6:18 pm
See a vet. Sounds like an ear infection. More than a cleaning is needed.
2016-01-24 10:12 pm
Go to a vet with the cat.
2016-01-24 8:23 pm
You cannot and should not clean your cats ears. If your cat is scratching, that is a sign of something being very wrong, and needs a vet. Your cat could have ear mites, or very dirty ears. Either way, they need a vet.
2016-01-24 6:58 pm
No. You need a vet. Your cat has ear mites and needs help immediately. This will not go away on its own, it will get worse and the longer you wait the more expensive it is to fix as secondary infection and even permanent damage can set in.
2016-01-24 6:26 pm
If she's scratching she needs a vet. That's a sign of ear mites, a fungal/yeast infection, or a bacterial infection. Constant scratching can cause a hematoma in the ear and then that needs to be surgically drained. Call the vet tomorrow morning and get an appointment for her.
2016-01-24 6:22 pm
Take her to the vet, it could be serious. My dog was doing the same and she had a pus/blood build up in her ear and we had to drain it.
2016-01-25 1:51 am
Likely ear mites. The cat may have infection in the ear now. Get him to the vet to be properly treated with the correct meds. Do NOT use over the counter meds like Hartz products - you can do more damage to the cat using that stuff.

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