I am thinking about getting a dog. Is it okay to adopt a dog in the winter or should I wait to spring?

2016-01-24 4:47 pm

回答 (12)

2016-01-24 4:50 pm
It would be far better to buy a puppy into the better weather rather than right now. Puppies at any rate, need to be taken outside roughly every hour and once overnight. When the weather is bad outside, this won't be easy - and there MUD to consider!! We tended to plan our litters for the Spring which makes life that much easier for new owners.
2016-01-24 5:49 pm
Doesn't make a difference as long as you're willing to provide the proper exercise/elimination times outdoors. Weather has no bearing on this.
2016-01-24 5:30 pm
It doesn't matter,He would have to pass all seasons with you anyway.
2016-01-24 5:04 pm
If you are getting an adult dog, it doesn't matter what season, as the best time is when you have the most time to get a dog used to a new home. If it's a pup, then often warmer weather is best as you will be taking the pup out every 2-3 hours round the clock, and very few people enjoy getting out of their bed to go out in the cold 2 or 3 times a night. So the answer to your question is yes, you can adopt any time of the year, but understand that housetraining involves going out in the cold ....
2016-01-24 5:04 pm
Winter's fine, as long as you have room to get him outdoors several times a day.
2016-01-24 5:00 pm
It's fine to adopt a dog during any season! There are dogs that desperately need homes all year round. That said, if you are housebreaking a new puppy, it can be a little more cumbersome to have to repeatedly go outside with them during the winter months. But lots of people adopt during winter, so you shouldn't let that stop you. (Also, you can avoid the housebreaking thing altogether if you adopt an adult dog who has already been house-trained.)
Here are some tips from the ASPCA website on adopting: https://www.aspca.org/adopt-pet/adoption-tips Adopting a dog is a big responsibility, so make sure you are emotionally and financially prepared for that. But it is so, SO worth it. Good luck!!
2016-01-24 4:51 pm
It depends on you and your situation. I've raised puppies in winter, and it hasn't been a problem for me. I have a huge pine tree I can stand under and be sheltered from any weather while the puppy does it's business. It's depends on if you are willing to go out in the weather.
2016-01-24 4:49 pm
dogs wag their tail all year long :)
2016-01-24 11:28 pm
Get it on spring because is a beautiful weather
2016-01-24 10:11 pm
you can get one now but youll have to raise it indoors cuz its so cold.
2016-01-24 5:35 pm
Its ok to adopt in winter, its just easier to house train in the summer when the weather is warmer. You are going to be in and out constantly until he gets the message. So thats one thing to take into account.
2016-01-24 4:55 pm
I got a PUPPY FOR CHRISTMAS. It depends at what age you buy one because after certain injections you have to keep your dog inside. So i got my puppy in the begining of december and we have just started taking walks outside.

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