This girl asked me to wait after I asked her to be my girlfriend?

2016-01-24 11:17 am
Yesterday I asked my crush to be my girlfriend and shentold me to wait until she finishes her course at college. We go to different colleges. Does this mean she likes me or is she trying to let me down gently?

回答 (2)

2016-01-24 11:39 am
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Yes. For me i would take that as "the course it really hard and she needs to focus right now" i would give her my number and ask her to text me when she's done and if she says no then it would be a sure fire answer unless she gives you her number. I can't usually read between the lines so i hate it when people bewt around the bush just go straight through the damn bush already, tell me straight up
2016-01-24 2:14 pm
I guess you will have to wait and see. I can't read her mind.

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