How can close minded people change?

2016-01-24 7:09 am
before you give your biased answer (which will probably be "no" (p.s. If that thought came to your mind as soon as you read this question you are probably close minded and don't know it XD) let me lay down some definitions and scenarios.

close minded people reject any new ideas
open minded people consider new ideas based off of logic (although that means that there are some constants in life, i.e. logic) Do you think open minded people could accept an idea that did not follow logic?

so close minded people basically become close minded due to some pain from their lives. and it is a defense mechanism. So my question is can that be fixed? Can people be recovered? If you try hard enough on anyone can you save them? Or are some people gone forever? Is it even their own choice to be close minded or are they just a victim of their circumstances? Wouldn't you end up the exact same way if you were in their shoes?

this was basically Jesus's job. to take closed minded people who are evil and make them good. Now people are using religion as an excuse to be close minded. :/ kinda sucks. I heard somewhere changing your thinking is the hardest thing to do, changing someone else's should be even harder. Jesus's job was hard yo, he had to be like god or something to do that. Do you think he would have wanted for people to be close minded? even if they have good intent? sort of...

回答 (12)

2016-01-24 3:39 pm
By rejecting any answer which disagrees with your prebiased premise you defeat your own argument beautifully.
2016-01-24 2:59 pm
Nobody is totally close-minded ever..... close-minded people can change if they get such experiential inputs as hit them exactly at the spot which is not quite closed.... just like something breaks at its weakest point when pressure is put on.... repeated impact at the right gateway gradually opens up their mind.... this technique is used extensively by those whose business it is to brain-wash people.
2016-01-24 2:46 pm
I don't accept your premise that there are closed minded and open minded people. People may be closed to YOUR ideas and open to others. For example, I find that my conservative friends can consider ideas that they disagree with whereas my liberal friend (and I use the term liberally) VILIFY ME for having different opinions than them, all the while touring their "open mindedness" and the closed mindedness of my "Trump voter" friends.

I think open mindedness is a matter of perspective. They way you open people's minds to all things is to destroy their wills. But I doubt that is what you would want if you saw it clearly enough.
參考: Logic has very little use in real life situations, but logicians are the most closed minded of all.
2016-01-25 10:48 pm
If you open your heart and establish yourself and your family, if you cry to think outside the box inside the box inside the box inside the box outside the lock, if you break boundaries and approach difficult topics, live by disturbing innuendos, gestures beyond of the Normal standards, brutality of the young innocents, Then He a mind changer, with a beauty with a cruelty, laughter and pleasure and pain, shock and indifference, the nurse was there to help you, the same cake.
2016-01-25 6:44 pm
Essentially, there is no accurate barometer which can read how open or closed one's mind is. We are all unique..
2016-01-25 7:50 am
close-minded people can change if they get such experiential inputs as hit them exactly at the spot which is not quite closed.
2016-01-24 5:37 pm
If you really meant 'open minded' I would bother answering, however, what you really seem to mean is to close a persons mind so they accept religion.

This is shown by your statement: "Jesus's job. to take closed minded people who are evil and make them good." I have never killed anyone; robbed anyone; committed adultery... I just have examined. with an open mind, many different religions (including Christianity) and found no god at all. So how am I evil?

Open minded means being able to examine facts, beliefs, events etc. without preconception.

Have you examined the Wicca, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism or even that there is no god etc. with an open mind?
2016-01-24 3:37 pm
If it's in their interest to open it. This is simply a huge equation of values. If I know I'll receive a reward of some kind, whether that's monetary, social approval, the warmth of hope, sex, belonging, or many other examples, I'll be more swayed to change. Of course, this does mean overriding any cognitive dissonance (pain of overriding a deeply held belief about one's image with new, clashing information) currently blocking the change.
2016-01-24 12:56 pm
You declare all of our answers "biased" before you even hear them? Pretty rude - and close minded.
2016-01-24 8:48 am
Open mindedness has nothing to do with logic. It is simply open to other ideas, opinions, etc. Closed mindedness has more to do with feeling safe and comfortable. Not wanting to change. Not wanting to listen to other's opinions or ideas. There really isn't a way to change that. All people are different. Just accept it. That is part of being open minded....accepting things as they are without judgement.

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