Should I be proud that a supermodel finds my son cute and should I keep reminding him how great it is?

2016-01-23 9:57 am

回答 (8)

2016-01-23 10:51 am
Why is it so great? Beauty is only skin-deep, and if this supermodel isn't a nice person, then her looks and profession shouldn't mean much. Don't place so much importance on physical appearance.
2016-01-23 10:02 am
Proud, yes. But reminding your son? NOOOOO. What's cute? It's nothing he worked at, and there are more important qualities in life. You aren't planning to make money off of him, are you? That would be totally un-cute of you.
2016-01-23 10:10 am
Good for him, but unless they're actually dating her finding him "cute" doesn't mean anything. Wait until they've dated and give him a high five, but don't keep "reminding" him. Besides if it doesn't work out, the best thing to do is have him understand that beauty does fade.
2016-01-23 10:00 am
Yes and no.
Flings come and go.
2016-01-23 11:02 am
nope. it's mothers who usually keep their offspring's feet on the ground so they don't get an over inflated ego.
2016-01-23 10:09 am
no they ain't nothing but trouble she can have any guy in the room and in the end probably will it's 2016 not 1800
2016-01-23 10:09 am
No - supermodels arent role models in my mind.
2016-01-23 9:57 am
yes but také it easy

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