How do people work and go to college?

2016-01-23 7:07 am
I've read a couple stories about how people dealt with it and it seems horrible. They worked full time and were a full time student. No fun at all. I want to work but I don't want all that stress load. I think I will just get a part time job, which is like 4hrs of work right? I want to hear ur strategies on how u did it

回答 (4)

2016-01-23 2:26 pm
A part-time job, on average, is working 20 hours per week. The days you work depends on the job.

Going to school full-time and working part-time is the best thing you could do!
2016-01-23 7:20 am
Here they know how to time manage.
They work nights graveyard weekend shift.
They work full time jobs during breaks.
They use libraries for books on how to apply and get scholarship grants etc.
2016-01-23 7:11 am
im one of those... i just do it... i dont watch tv or shows or no type of fund of that kind
just go out when im free.. its very hard though... failed calculus because of it
2016-01-23 8:33 am
First off, in the US, 40 hours is considered full time so you can work 39 hours and still be considered part time. The people who work full time and go to school have some great time management skills. Some things that they do:

-Work during the day, school at night/weekends (yes, you can go to school on a Saturday) and even take some online classes. Sometimes this can be done the other way around.
-Do homework as soon as it is assigned, even starting papers on the first day of classes (it is on the syllabus of what and when things are due)
-Cut back on social life

You just need to find something that works for you since not everyone is the same.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:27:17
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