Do I still have to pay off the phone when the contract ends?

2016-01-23 2:12 am
I got a phone for $0 on a 2 hear contract (original price being 700.00) with Rogers. The contract is ending on November 30, but I don't want to renew it. I know that if I were to break the contract before it ends I would have to pay off the remaining contract fees and the phone. But if I stay on the contract until it runs out do I still need to pay off the phone?

回答 (2)

2016-01-23 2:41 am
You do not have to sign a new contract when it ends. You can keep paying your monthly bill and keep using your current phone until it dies. It may be 2 years, it may be 4 years until it dies. But do not sign a new contract until you need a new phone.
2016-01-23 2:17 am
No ... finishing the contract pays it off.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:27:58
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