Why would Bernie go ahead and defend socialist government activity?

2016-01-22 7:10 pm
Besides defense, policing, fire department, roads, education, public health, sanitation, consumer and worker protection, the courts, anti-monopoly regulation, and air traffic control, what has government ever done for us?

回答 (2)

2016-02-15 12:45 am
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The services you mentioned are not socialist. The only change he wants to make is an increase in minimum wage at federal level which might be the toughest thing since they rejected Obama's $10 an hour, and establish a health plan like Medicare, and offer public education at no charge.
2016-01-22 7:20 pm
None of those things are socialist government activities. Government socialist activities are ownership and/or control of the means of production of wealth. Things like running the healthcare system, owning car companies, heavily regulating industry, mandating the use of certain types of fuels, etc.

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