How can us a human being put a label on earth as ours?own land? Why do we as a species feel entitled to own everything even even nature?

2016-01-22 1:01 pm

回答 (9)

2016-01-22 4:11 pm
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In fact, this isn't universally true. As little as 200 years ago, many native tribes around the world still practicing ancient traditions had no concept of ownership of land or natural resources. Even ownership of things like tools was a foreign concept and ownership of such things was by the community as a whole. This idea of personal ownership and entitlement was an idea primarily introduced by settlers from the "old world" (i.e. Europe and Asia). Some people still feel that it is wrong for anyone to lay claim to land and resources.
2016-01-22 2:18 pm
We get away with this kind of high-handedness because it works so long as there is no one to refute or deny our claim.
2016-01-22 1:48 pm
arrogance there is nothing to stop us YET
2016-01-23 8:27 pm
2016-01-22 2:19 pm
Hello jorge, it is quite natural to feel such possessiveness purely because of his/her own ignorance. In reality the entire cosmos is his/hers. But it is not realized as self realization is missing. Once one realizes his/her own self then it becomes very true that entire cosmos is his/hers and no need to put the label at all anywhere in nature.
2016-01-22 1:35 pm
Probably because we live in Earth
2016-01-22 1:03 pm
It's not entitlement, it quells chaos. What's the alternative? Constant war for the choicest real estate? Gun fights to determine ownership of livestock?
2016-01-22 9:03 pm
That is the ego of man. We consider ourselves to be the most important life form on Earth. Therefore, we believe that we own the Earth and everything on it. Someday we will be in for a rude awakening and we will be taken down a few pegs. I hope this happens. We need to learn humility.
2016-01-22 2:50 pm
If we buy it, we own it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:25:56
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