
2016-01-22 11:00 am

回答 (2)

2016-01-22 1:45 pm
Buy a grammar book.
Finite and non-finite verbs:-
He "failed" to finish his exam.work.
In this eg,"failed" is a finite verb but "to finish" (infinitive) is a non-finite verb.
Finite verbs are verbs that are limited by person, number, tense mood and voive.
Non-finite verbs include participles, gerunds and infinitives which are also called verbals.
By conjugation, we mean the inflexional system of verbs. The system divides verbs according to persons, numbers, tenses, moods and voices.
The forms of the verb eg:-"take--taking--took--taken---" in the following examples:-
I "take" some books to the school-classroom every day.
I am" taking" some bks to sc.now.
I "took" some bks to sc.yesterday.
I have" taken "some bks. to the class.
I shall "take" some exam. bks to sc. to-morrow.
There are four forms of the verb"take":-
(1)Present tense and infinitive:-take
(2)Present participle---taking
(3)Past tense:-took
(4)Past participle:-taken; eg:-I have already "taken" and read some grammar books .I shall commit them to memory,learn it all by heart.
2016-01-22 11:30 am


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