Is there such a thing as too far gone?

2016-01-22 5:46 am
emotionally, ethically, can all people change? and is it their choice?

i.e. if someone is raised a certain way and had an idea engraved into them, can they change?

回答 (3)

2016-01-22 1:28 pm
You can go too far. It is possible to lose our emotions entirely and never get them back. That's what sociopaths and psychopaths are. It takes years of abuse or isolation, but it can happen.
2016-01-22 6:09 am
"Point of no return" is another way of parsing your question. "Tipping point," "black swan event," catastrophe theory....These energy arcs are predictable, and are developed by personal exercise of degrees of freedom. If one desires to "mark and retrace," move up the mountain, etc., one typically may do so. Laws of energy typically influence progress. Related: "Man, Master of His Destiny," "The Path of the Higher Self," "Return to the One: Plotinus's Guide to God-Realization."
2016-01-22 5:52 am
A person exercises freedom of choice when in possession of a fully functioning, mature brain. People YOUNGER that thirty have NOT acquired a fully matured brain. People who have been inflicted with severe emotional damage, and wretched personality disorders are even LESS responsible for " acting out ", based upon that emotional damage, or personality disorder. Perhaps, the wiser course of action would be to outlaw those legal behaviors that create such severe mental problems---especially in our children.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:26:54
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