Which is correct: "I burnt the book", or "I burned the book?"?

2016-01-21 9:50 pm

回答 (9)

2016-01-21 10:34 pm
"Burnt" is only an adjective, not a verb, in American English. I burned the book. Now the book is burnt. (Equally correct: Now the book is burned.)

In British English, "burnt" is both an adjective and a verb.
2016-01-21 10:53 pm
Either one. "Burnt" is used more in the UK than in the US, where it is sometimes considered old-fashioned.
2016-01-21 10:02 pm
It depends which dialect of English you re speaking.
2016-01-21 9:51 pm
2016-01-25 9:56 pm
Either, however.

~I burnt the book~ scans better.
2016-01-21 10:20 pm
I burned
2016-01-21 10:01 pm
I burned the book. The book was burnt.
2016-01-21 9:52 pm
The second one. The first would be used by saying "I burned the book. It's burnt."
2016-01-21 10:04 pm
I burned the book. The first one is too wordy.

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