Do you think one day racism will end?

2016-01-21 5:20 pm

回答 (233)

2016-01-23 12:43 am
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Racism will end when everyone stops blaming everything on racism. Can't end something when everytime something happens to a African American everyone screams racism instead of looking at facts. Every time is this true? NO. But we are in a new day. There is a black president, there are famous black people. Just to nam two since I hear blacks say they don't have white privilege. Tell me what that is because I don't see it. There are black presidents, blacks on my tv, one of boss's are black, blacks work all around me and get treated the same way, make the same as i do if not more. If your poor, it's you own fault. Or it could be your parents fault. It's not us white folks fault. We don't keep you from getting educations, or getting a job. If you can't pay for college, work hard in school and you have a chance of getting some type of scholarship. I have no problem with black people what so ever. I'm not racist. I just hate when people Blaim everything on "racism"
2016-01-22 3:40 am
Perhaps. It's not just about tolerating different people but accepting them. One problem I always encounter is that people are afraid to talk about racism. I think it's the ignorance and how some people were raised. Some people were raised to have a closed mind. Others embrace new ideas easier. We can't force people to become accepting so I guess racism will be around for a very long time. But maybe not forever.
2016-01-22 2:47 am
No, unfortunetly no because no matter how many people stop racism, there are always a few people who stick to old ways and have their thoughts stuck on it. but still, something that starts eventually perishes, so racism may be considered lesss of an issue in 50 years, but if it continues how it is now, it'll take a LONGG time.
2016-01-22 2:50 am
No, because no one will forget the past and keep blaming everyone of the now...
People don't stop to think that whatever happen in the past was way before we all were born and they need to let it go and forgive and forget.
2016-01-21 6:46 pm
No. No matter how much improvement has progressed. There will always be someone who proclaims it's not enough to a new generation of young people and who do not show the progress. And instead willingly show the initial or original state of racism rather than seeing the improvement.
2016-01-22 12:15 pm
I'd like to think that we will all end up the same colour some day, but even then we find reasons to hate each other. Serbs and Croats aren't really that different. Northern Ireland is two closely related white tribes, Okies faced discrimination from other white Americans.
2016-01-22 7:23 am
I'm going to be very optimistic for a change and say yes I think one day everyone will stop judging each other based on the color of their skin. We have to be smart enough to see how stupid that is...don't we?
2016-01-22 7:13 am
2016-01-22 12:27 am
Given time we will all become one race it's inevitable.
2016-01-21 10:55 pm
People these days are rude. They judge people based on race, and rumors. I believe that if people grow up and just not judge than it may end. But it will take sometime. People have to work together to end it.
2016-01-21 5:31 pm
I hope so. :)
2016-01-21 5:28 pm
I think what ever the world is like , always be some sort of Predigest.
2016-01-21 5:22 pm
I hope it does
2016-01-22 2:51 am
Honestly.. no, I don't think racism will ever end. Right now, it seems to be the flavor of the day to disrespect whites. I guess it's our turn...
2016-01-21 11:34 pm
Not in anytime soon--likely NOT in our grandchildren's lifetimes, for that matter; too angry of a planet right now.

We're seeing BLACK RACISTS arise for a year long farewell salute to Obama, as their 8 year "black Camelot" party draws to a close.
2016-01-22 3:49 am
Racism will never end because there will always be different races. Racism exist due not fully understanding a different ethnicity, envious of another group, and because some or taught to be racist. There will always be Pain. Always be chaos. We are not perfect beings and fall short of things. So it can't be changed until the end of time.
2016-01-22 3:24 am
When there are no more democrats...sure. As a WHITE man married to a very dark BLACK woman I can tell you this....The O N L Y times we have ever heard racial comments, they were from democrats.
2016-01-22 2:27 am
No because blacks play the Race Card and want to stay behind in society. Latinos work harder and have surpassed blacks in population, higher income and lower unemployment, more entrepreneurial. Blacks' are killing off each other. Latinos are multiplying faster than blacks.
2016-01-22 12:59 am
Not until EVERYONE takes responsibility for their own actions instead of always blaming their problems on someone else! Color and nationality make little's the attitude that makes the difference!
2016-01-21 5:22 pm
When block people stop acting the way they do.
2016-01-24 3:50 am
Yes, racism end
When earth's end
2016-01-24 1:39 am
No, people are idiots and people are jerks and they will not stop being racist. I do however, believe that it will impove if we educate people or over time maybe it just won't matter to the assholes that are racist
2016-01-23 10:21 pm
when ****** all died
2016-01-23 8:28 pm
I think racism is pretty much as dead as it is ever going to get.

Will the whiners never shut up about it? Probably Not!

I am sure its out there but not to the extent the flame fanners want it to be.
2016-01-23 3:52 pm
No. It is built into the brains of every social animal to protect the self by avoiding other species, but that usually breaks down to avoiding different sorts of one's own species.

Monarch butterflies do that in the Galapagos. The monarchs of each island have evolved different wing patterns to better blend in with their environment. They are all still Monarchs, but they WILL not mate with one from another island, just because that one LOOKS different.

Other species tell themselves apart mostly by smell. Dogs, especially, tell each other apart by smell, but other species do, too. Every animal is racist to its own kind, not just humans.
2016-01-23 5:43 am
It will when aliens become a part of our daily lives. But then we'll have speciesism.
2016-01-23 5:28 am some shape or form it will always be here because there will always to ignorant, stupid people
2016-01-23 1:38 am
Yes. Everything has a ending
2016-01-22 7:46 pm
2016-01-22 5:23 pm
2016-01-22 4:53 pm
I think it's the ignorance and how some people were raised. Some people were raised to have a closed mind. Others embrace new ideas easier. We can't force people to become accepting so I guess racism will be around for a very long time. But maybe not forever. but even then we find reasons to hate each other. Serbs and Croats aren't really that different. Northern Ireland is two closely related white tribes, Okies faced discrimination from other white Americans.
2016-01-22 4:25 pm
2016-01-22 3:35 pm
Yes.Definitely.200 years ago blacks weren't treated as humans.100 years ago they weren't slaves but were still considered unequal to the whites.Now most people aren't racist and racism is decreasing because of the media.50 years from now it won't exist.Studies have shown that racism is a social construct.Kids aren't racist.Hell,there is no race.It's been scientifically proven too.
2016-01-22 2:18 pm
I think when society becomes more fair is when racism will end. There will still be ignorance of course, we can't all be geniuses, but I think it'll at least help race relations. Also, we need to get the media to stop egging it on.
2016-01-22 1:29 pm
Only when all ethnic groups of this world are forcefully mongrelized which will NEVER happen !!
2016-01-22 12:36 pm
no we will always have judgemental people for as long as we have multiple races

also the human race is kinda stupid
2016-01-22 11:30 am
Not to be a downer but i think it will still exist in one way or another. It will lessen in comparison to the past, in other words it may not be as prevalent. in the same way that you can prevent accidents but not avoid them completely.
2016-01-22 11:10 am
I hope so!
2016-01-22 10:10 am
No Not all the Time Islam exists
2016-01-22 5:33 am
yes every thing of the world is end one day.
2016-01-22 5:12 am
If people that are like donald trump keep be born no
2016-01-22 4:58 am
No, i wish but no. The world is cruel and every generation there is going to be stupid people born,
2016-01-22 4:21 am
I would like for racism to end. If it does; however, people will find another reason to put other people down. Some people have to have an "underclass" in order to feel better about themselves. The "underclass" could be based on sex (men, women), race, education, social class, or some other criteria. The feelings of inferiority that bring people to be racists will always be with humanity. People who don't feel good about themselves will always try to feel they are better than somebody.
2016-01-22 4:06 am
Yes. Everything is possible.
2016-01-22 2:53 am
Nope, the media keeps putting the negatives and making things worse.
2016-01-21 7:35 pm
Not as long as politicians use it as a method to gain votes.
2016-01-21 6:41 pm
its difficult to say as till u don't change all every single person's mind(still it will appear so here's a way)or create such a proper history(like a movement like sir martin luther king jr. did) or teaching like from school etc on small kids that its totally baseless to believe so then it will be best...teaching all corners of its senselessness...there r people who teach their small children racism...that we have to change like make children understand...we here in India have normal teasing like Goddess Radha & Lord Krishna used to play like why me dark & why she fair he used to ask his mom & such pass times of lord but yes here there was Caste system!just like racism so here we have to also work on senseless caste system too!sadly even after Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar here still caste system exists...we youth can change discrimination!:)
2016-01-21 5:22 pm will..this earth and its ways,not the end,all we have is our deeds.~*
2016-01-23 4:44 am
No. Racism will forever be alive
2016-01-23 3:13 am
No, I do not think it will. Although it has greatly improved since Martin Luther King was around, I don't think there is any way it will completely end. Racism is a part of our society that cannot go out of existence. People can be ignorance and do not look at all aspects of a person and who they are or why they behave the way they do. For example, the Michael Brown shooting. A lot of individuals automatically jumped to conclusion and said the policeman was racist. I'm not saying what he did was right but it caused a lot of riots and the "black lives matter" campaign.
2016-01-22 1:26 pm
Never! Capitalism and racism shall never end especially capitalism! Racism can be anything. Homophobia is racism, Islamophobia is racism, feminism is racism and men hating women is racism, sexism, hating people because they impaired etc. We already live in hell.
參考: Truth and Humanity.
2016-01-22 6:06 am
No, I don't believe it will. Sadly, racism is an inevitable part of human existence that has been ingrained in many since birth. As with many beliefs and opinions, racism is taught. Is it possible for your parent to be a racist and you not to? Absolutely. The opposite is possible too. Just not probable. Racism can be helped and the problem curbed by government, school systems, and many other contributing factors, but I don't believe that will change any family's fundamental opinions
2016-01-22 4:25 am
If we spiritual evolve yes, I have made some progress and I don't judge anyone by looks, colour, religion we are the same species why make others feel bad about their colour? Racism will only end if you turn away from the darkness and go to the light. ( I don't believe in God, but I believe in the source in which all life came from) maybe in 100,000 years.
2016-01-22 4:25 am
Yes, when Jesus returns to Earth.
2016-01-21 6:25 pm
I really don't think so but I hope so!
2016-01-21 5:50 pm
2016-01-21 5:23 pm
As long as there are human beings, I don't think that that will ever happen.
2016-01-22 3:25 pm
Unfortunately no it won't.
I feel it won't because there's so many opinions which differ from religion to religion.

There's a lot of people who don't communicate with other nationalities so when ever they see bad stuff happening on the TV in other countries or of a certain nationality, tthey litterally believe all must be bad !.

There are good and bad everywhere in this world. It's not all one sided. Be a better place if everyone got on and shared everything equally.
2016-01-22 1:53 pm
No. As long as black people are around. They can't act civil.
2016-01-22 11:42 am
Yes, but it will not end until Jesus Christ returns and eradicates all evilness,sin,
corruption.When that happens racism and other evilness that harms this world will no longer exist.
2016-01-22 8:31 am
When blacks die
2016-01-25 11:08 am
Probably only when Man goes extinct...
2016-01-25 12:38 am
nope because ignorant people will always exist
2016-01-24 9:14 pm
not really because there's always gonna be different races :/ sadly but true!
2016-01-24 7:59 pm
Not completely but it will get better
2016-01-24 7:48 pm
The only way Racism will end if people's attitudes change.
2016-01-24 7:46 pm
2016-01-24 5:02 pm
2016-01-24 2:56 pm
Racism will be around the whole time an imperialistic government is in place on any country, when were born from that moment were brainwashed from tv and everywere to pick a team in order to divide us, whether its football, politics, school etc etc this includes racism as on team looks different and has different views than the other, as racism is caused by looking different, hen its very easy to minipulate. Therefor racism will be around untill the source planting small seeds in order to profit from divided wars is abolished and people can finally live with a clear mind instead of being bombarded left right and centre by adverts and single insignificant points of view telling us we all should look one way.
2016-01-24 8:26 am
2016-01-24 7:12 am
Not as long as it's in history books
2016-01-24 6:44 am
Never, as long as there is a difference between two people, there will always be racism
2016-01-24 5:58 am
It will never end
2016-01-24 4:54 am
Racism will end when the world does
2016-01-24 4:35 am
Oh yes Maybe tomorrow even
2016-01-24 4:33 am
2016-01-24 4:23 am
Only when people stop judging people base on appearance
2016-01-24 3:04 am
I think bigotry,racism and inequality will always exist in the world to some degree
2016-01-24 2:24 am
2016-01-24 2:21 am
2016-01-24 2:01 am
Not in our lifetime
2016-01-24 1:59 am
2016-01-24 12:24 am
Someday, it would over 50 years ago.
2016-01-24 12:19 am
I don't think so
2016-01-23 10:39 pm
Racism has already ended, only some people are so insecure about it, they think it is still going on. All they got to do to end that is stop believing other people are racist. Now the only thing that exist is not liking a certain type of person in general regaurdless of race. This is normal. Example: medium class citizens not liking rich snobs. Example 2: nice generous people not liking users and people addicted to speed out of fear of truth most truly they will take advantage of their kindness, pawn their possessions for dope. Dope is speed.
2016-01-23 10:22 pm
Never completely
2016-01-23 10:22 pm
Yes I do think so, the problem it's when and how long will it take!
2016-01-23 10:08 pm
Hopefully it will but I really doubt so my friend.
2016-01-23 9:58 pm
2016-01-23 9:41 pm
2016-01-23 9:27 pm
In most other countries, you see discrimination based on the socioeconomic class the individual is perceived to belong to but not discrimination based on the color of a person's skin. There are some exceptions, of course. Israel, China, and Japan come to mind. So yes, I do believe it is possible to end racism but only if we, as a people, make a conscious effort to get rid of all the hate and the fear that has been so instilled in us by our progenitors. Give it time. It will happen.
2016-01-23 9:15 pm
Racism will always exist unfortunately. It will never end as long as we have the 'them and us' mentality.

Also we have some way to go, in terms of evolution before we become a totaly racist free world.

however since you asked this question, i suspect you may very well be racist !

see ! see how easy it is to play the race card ! ^_^

2016-01-23 9:09 pm
It will never end.
2016-01-23 9:04 pm
No because people suck
2016-01-23 8:42 pm
2016-01-23 7:54 pm
2016-01-23 7:38 pm
2016-01-23 7:03 pm
2016-01-23 6:45 pm
i hope so
2016-01-23 5:56 pm
2016-01-23 5:44 pm
2016-01-23 5:29 pm
Sadly I don't think so!
2016-01-23 5:16 pm
No people are going to be assholes regardless
2016-01-23 5:14 pm
Only if boobs ruled the world
2016-01-23 5:10 pm
2016-01-23 5:06 pm
Not in till we get rid of ******
2016-01-23 4:50 pm
Nope, there will always be narcissists with vacuous reasons to criticize another being in order to fill their selfish ego. Its unfortunate.
2016-01-23 4:44 pm
I don't think racism will end.Its been with since the beginning of time.Its still alive and well.
2016-01-23 4:41 pm
Nope because people are just that ignorant and rude
2016-01-23 4:18 pm
No.. that's very hard
2016-01-23 3:50 pm
2016-01-23 3:42 pm
2016-01-23 3:10 pm
I guess hopefully it will one day and it will be the greatest achievement in humanity.
2016-01-23 3:07 pm
I strongly doubt that. Most of us Humans are vile and will always be vile. The only way for Racism to forever end is to kill the vile humans to stop them from reproducing.
2016-01-23 3:06 pm
No. The people who were once treated bad through racism are now the most racist people on the planet. I reckon that it will keep going in circles.
2016-01-23 2:46 pm
Unfortunately no it won't.
2016-01-23 2:28 pm
2016-01-23 2:04 pm
2016-01-23 2:01 pm
As defined by the `Far Left'? Not likely, as it seems like they can find it, pretty well anywhere. I am a humanist who is also an optimist. So, my answer is someday.How? A lengthy hypothesis would be needed, I, and likely many others will not have the Complete Answer, but to presume a group, or individual is racist because of some of their history is also prejudiced, This point is lost on those that all too easily point fingers at others. I have seen hints of this in other answers here. Just my two cents worth.
2016-01-23 1:52 pm
I am dark-skinned unattractive Indian male. Racism will not end. Racism is associated with poverty and power. If you are poor, you are victim. Racism is everywhere. Racists are in every race. Racists are racists towards those who are poor, powerless and disadvantaged. We call white people because many white dominated countries are rich and many dark-skinned dominated countries are poor. I was born in Hindu family. Upper caste hindus are racists towards lower caste hindus because they are poor and powerless. Racism has direct co-relation with poverty and powerlessness.
2016-01-23 1:47 pm
We wish that
2016-01-23 1:38 pm
2016-01-23 1:27 pm
Yes but probably only when there are no racial differences left
2016-01-23 1:27 pm
i hoope soo!i will be the best day in the world history.
2016-01-23 12:46 pm
No due the ideas in some people's head and the human condition .
2016-01-23 10:55 am
2016-01-23 10:52 am
No, unfortunately.
2016-01-23 10:35 am
No, unfortunately.
2016-01-23 10:34 am
2016-01-23 9:29 am
there's a chance racism will end, but only through education.
2016-01-23 7:15 am
2016-01-23 7:06 am
I wish racism ends, but white people are fking racist to asian people.
2016-01-23 6:49 am
2016-01-23 4:57 am
2016-01-23 4:24 am
It revision of faith old or new but we ask every one to use sense
2016-01-23 4:16 am
2016-01-23 3:31 am
Racism will end when hate towards one another will end.
2016-01-23 2:57 am
2016-01-23 1:35 am
i don't know
2016-01-23 12:41 am
no, because ignorant fools will always exist
2016-01-22 11:58 pm
I don't think it will ever end entirely. There will always be people who latch onto race as a means to define themselves and scapegoat others.
2016-01-22 11:50 pm
I hope so yes
2016-01-22 11:14 pm
Yes racism will end one day in 1000 years everybody will be mixed race i don't think racism will be around in 1000 years.
2016-01-22 10:13 pm
Nope :)
2016-01-22 9:51 pm
2016-01-22 9:38 pm
I hope so.
2016-01-22 9:24 pm
Sadly no!!! Not everyone is ever going to stop comparing races and being rude!! ????????????
2016-01-22 9:12 pm
completely? no
2016-01-22 8:39 pm
2016-01-22 8:11 pm
I would like to hope so
2016-01-22 8:00 pm
2016-01-22 7:54 pm
If people stay going by preferences... no.
2016-01-22 7:43 pm
Yes because the human race will eventually die out. :(
2016-01-22 7:27 pm
I would like to think so.
2016-01-22 7:16 pm
2016-01-22 4:47 pm
nope. as long as capitalism, people wont give up their bad aims. I'm sorry for Africa for example. They dont deserve this. for what? money. this is so silly.
2016-01-22 4:23 pm
No. Not if we still have the BET channel, etc.
2016-01-22 3:45 pm
no.. but will carry on getting better... with hate around it can never be perfect
2016-01-22 3:38 pm
NO some one will aways play the race card.
2016-01-22 3:13 pm
Alas no.................. i hate to say it butit getsworseand worse each day
2016-01-22 8:07 am
This is hard to say, personal feelings will not end, should have been extended to develop.
2016-01-22 6:54 am
When we all become one race yea
2016-01-22 3:04 am
never will it end ........cause man or woman cant always even be kind to their partners /etc....... or friends nope never will it end
2016-01-22 3:02 am
I think, I Do Not Think So, But, I do not Know About the Future, May be, The Robots Fight with the Humans for Their "COLORS" They "LIKES"...
2016-01-21 10:43 pm
No. Its a belief that is represented by relatively few people, but it will always exist in small numbers.
2016-01-21 7:25 pm
always be some sort of Predigest.
2016-01-21 7:02 pm
When I was a kid I was not allowed in my friend's houses because I was a "dirty Irish". Nobody cares now. In fifty years nobody will distinguish black Americans from white but the prejudice against Arab Americans (or whoever next is the our group, robots?) will continue.
2016-01-24 4:24 am
I think it's the ignorance and how some people were raised. Some people were raised to have a closed mind. Others embrace new ideas easier. We can't force people to become accepting so I guess racism will be around for a very long time. But maybe not forever. but even then we find reasons to hate each other. Serbs and Croats aren't really that different. Northern Ireland is two closely related white tribes, Okies faced discrimination from other white Americans.
2016-01-23 3:28 pm
One day it will
2016-01-23 1:58 pm
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2016-01-23 7:32 am
No, racism will always exist because simple minded ignorant folks will always exist and some will pass it down to their children and the cycle will continue. And then we have the racists who love to hold an entire race accountable for the actions of a few. Smh
2016-01-23 6:42 am
Racism is here to even happens inside of blood families....
2016-01-23 6:15 am
Racism will end when people stop blaming another race for racism, because whether they know it or not, there being racist themselves.
2016-01-23 6:06 am
It's already done as well as sexism but almost everyone lacks an understanding about it and blames it on people, for example "Oh, a cop just killed a murderer that's black! That's waisis!!!" And girls complaining that guys get paid more, girls that say that are selfish idiots who only want to be paid more than boys so they don't have to marry them
2016-01-23 5:22 am
Sadly it won't... It depends on how a person was raised.
2016-01-23 5:18 am
No. Racism will never end because everyone has too much of an ethnocentric past going back 300+ years and didn't want foreigners into their nations. The Japs and Chinese are laughing at the west at how we keep accepting multiculturalism due to low white birthrates. But in 10 years, the Japanese and Chinese will start declining in births and they will expose their racist side when they are forced to accept immigrants. We will never go back to the wonderful multiculturalistic worlds of the Egyptian and Greeks because after that, everyone separated and developed ethnocentrism.
2016-01-23 5:08 am
Nope, I dont think so as racism is deep-rooted in somebody's mind. You simply cant wipe it off
2016-01-23 3:20 am
It ended
2016-01-23 2:19 am
Where capitalism is, can not be a rasism.
Is imposible for a business man to be racist.
His love for money make him un racist.
2016-01-23 2:15 am
When people stop blaming everything on racism. Actually, I don't think it'll ever end. It's been etched into us for too long. We can lessen it if we stop blaming our problems on it.
2016-01-22 11:35 pm
Only when the world does.
2016-01-22 10:45 pm
Maybe in the future but only if we all had the same skin colour and as long as we are all different shades racism will continue.
2016-01-22 10:15 pm
No just like sexism and homophobia
2016-01-22 9:54 pm
NO....we may have put men on the moon but i think people are still very tribal deep inside and will group together for support and 'protection' based on basic common threads. language,physical appearance etc and anything that is 'alien' to them and are unable or unwilling to find common ground is seen as DANGEROUS, and what you get war after war on and on and on etcetc. Me personally,im a mad old owl up in a tree hooting 'f**k the lot of 'em.
2016-01-22 9:41 pm
Unfortunately not while we're alive.
2016-01-22 8:57 pm
No I don't
2016-01-22 8:55 pm
I don't think it will end
2016-01-22 8:48 pm
Sadly No.
2016-01-22 8:19 pm
Nope racism will go on forever
2016-01-22 7:22 pm
Racism will never end in this yours my lifetime..2085 maybe.
2016-01-22 4:39 pm
What racism?
2016-01-22 4:01 pm
No. Having other groups around we can blame for stuff going wrong is an essential part of being human. The alternative would be to realize that we caused the problem. Who wants that?
2016-01-22 3:14 pm
I'm afraid not. People like categorizing. That will lead to racism.
2016-01-22 2:40 pm
Do you think men will one day start growing without *****? Nope. Didn't think so. XD
2016-01-22 2:30 pm
It would be great if it did, but I just don't see it happening in our lifetime.
2016-01-22 1:51 pm
2016-01-22 1:51 pm
No, the only time racism will die is when the whole world dies.
2016-01-22 1:47 pm
No, SS. Sadly, no.
2016-01-22 1:39 pm
Not in this world, and if it does, there will be so many other problems that we won't be happy about that.
2016-01-22 12:20 pm
No human race may end but racism will never end, myself I am black guy neger.
2016-01-22 11:58 am
2016-01-22 11:39 am
2016-01-22 10:40 am
2016-01-22 9:21 am
2016-01-22 9:03 am
No, not in our lifetime and that's so sad
2016-01-22 8:39 am
2016-01-22 8:14 am
Nope, never will people accept difference.
2016-01-22 8:03 am
2016-01-22 7:45 am
it will never end
2016-01-22 7:27 am
Absolutely not.
2016-01-22 6:51 am
Nope, more people try to cure racism by eliminating the source sparks it more.

To me what's racist is how they treat both sides unequal. Yeah, I know. What I am getting at...okay get this..

I can't barely find myself a movie about my southern culture or hell not even the Dukes of Hazard for old times sake because of a banned flag. Why?, racism?, Lincoln didn't want to free the slaves in his own words if he didnt have too and the North had them too, but the South loses and gets the ban wagon on the flag?

Okay so my comparison, I look around and I find other stuff like book of ***** movie, the new welcome to compton movie, and I manage to find "the help" why didni bring these up? Well wasn't one of those higher up people that saidnwe was going to bury that WORD!? You know what word =). Keep in mind, not the home boi version because I'm sure the other BAD ONE is mentioned! Just seems hypocritical to me lol. That the racist N word can be used and yet and a flag? Well nope!
2016-01-22 6:06 am
No. Racist people will always be around unfortunately.
2016-01-22 5:47 am
2016-01-22 5:38 am
It is not possible because every one thought that he or she is from best family or country or from best race so it is not possible.
2016-01-22 5:17 am
NO !
2016-01-22 5:03 am
doubt it
2016-01-22 4:57 am
i wish it would but its unlikely
2016-01-22 3:57 am
No :\
2016-01-22 3:48 am
No, racist parents pass it down to their children. And all around the place I walk, I can't find one person that is not rasist.
2016-01-22 3:36 am
you think spiders will stop eating bugs?
2016-01-22 3:07 am
Thing never change
2016-01-22 2:59 am
Sadly no
2016-01-22 2:52 am
Maybe, with an honorable preident
2016-01-22 2:20 am
2016-01-22 2:19 am
Yes but we will all be dead by then.
2016-01-22 1:58 am
Unfortunately, no.
2016-01-22 12:49 am
whats this hang you have? That's like saying do you think one day everybody will love one another?
2016-01-22 12:42 am
參考: Human nature
2016-01-21 7:45 pm
I hope not.
2016-01-21 6:02 pm
I don't think it ever will some how,And I'm a white guy with black friends to,And I never have or ever will be a Racist.
2016-01-21 5:21 pm
2016-01-21 5:21 pm
only if the blacks die out or if the whites do
2016-01-22 5:36 am
No because if it did the people who complain the most would not have anything to blame for their shortcomings.

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