Is my son being ungrateful?

2016-01-21 3:45 pm
He lives in a big house with us a has 3 cats and a dog and a iPhone 6 and a iPad and a apple laptop and Apple TV with Netflix and stuff on it and a heated bed and a 3D tv with his own sky box and a ps4 with online membership and a £100 wrist watch and his own personal attractive hairdresser and has met his celeb crush twice and his celeb crush and a super model both follow him on Twitter and reply to his tweets and think he is cute like all the girls do and yet he says his life is boring and he don't have much what should I say to my son

回答 (10)

2016-01-21 8:26 pm
No more than yesterday when you asked this question.
2016-01-21 4:41 pm
Unless he is getting his money either from you or from illegal activities, or is a danger to himself or others, I wouldn't fret too much. He probably is in a lull in his life and needs to learn how to keep himself occupied. Make sure you do not give in to any unreasonable demands of his.
2016-01-21 3:50 pm
Where does he get his money?? From you??
2016-01-21 3:50 pm
Why would anyone have their own personal hairdresser? How often is this kid getting his hair cut?
2016-01-21 8:44 pm
Not to put too fine a point on it, this lady is insane. She's been babbling about this for over a year now. A quick clue to look for is the celebrity crush business.
2016-01-21 3:58 pm
tell him "suck it up cupcake"
2016-01-21 3:52 pm
Show him just how much he does have. Take everything away from him room to show him how much the people who do have less are.
2016-01-21 3:51 pm
tell him to get a life, and to stop being a snobby rich kid
2016-01-21 3:50 pm
you turned him into an entitled, worthless, and spoiled twerp. he probably expects to get everything he wants
2016-01-21 3:49 pm
does he work. probably not. how has he got all these things. given them? you can be bored with a lot or happy with little. tell him to speak to some homeless people and see what his life could have been

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