Who do you want to see win the election this year?

2016-01-21 4:32 am

回答 (8)

2016-01-21 4:33 am
Anyone other than a democrat.
2016-01-21 4:33 am
Bernie Sanders.
2016-01-21 4:36 am
Bernie Sanders. Nothing would make the talking heads in corporate media more irate.
2016-01-21 4:41 am
Whoever is on the Republican slate, but if I'd my druthers I'd have Romney against Gore - that way it would be great to win and not too disastrous to lose.
2016-01-21 4:33 am
Ted Cruz
2016-01-21 4:38 am
Gary Johnson.
2016-01-21 4:56 am
2016-01-21 4:54 am
Someone sane that knows what they're doing so I guess that rules out anyone from the Republican party.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:24:45
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