I'm bad at driving a stick shift but I have to learn! Please Help!!?

2016-01-21 3:36 am
I'm a 16 year old girl, I have my license and I'm comfortable on an automatic but I just got an 02 mustang that's a stick shift and I have to learn because it's my vehicle. (5 speed) honestly I'm bad at it and I get anxiety. I'm bad at starting from first, I pop the clutch way too often and stall. I'm not kidding I stalled about 15-20 times the other night ago and my dad was teaching me and got frustrated and I ended up crying because I hate that I suck at it. Other people tell me they got it easily yet it's taken Me many attempts and I still can't drive a stick. Not comfortably anyway. I know the basic stuff but I'm unsure about a lot of other things. I drove on the highway once and did okay but I hear that I'll tear up the clutch or something and I'm discouraged because everyone says they got it down fast and I'm slow at it and I have to learn...what do I do? (I can't go out by myself) any tips?

回答 (6)

2016-01-21 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hahaha.. don't worry about the clutch, it can take it and that's what it was designed for.

On a flat road (or slight decline - cheat), start the car. Disengage the clutch and put it into first. Set the gas to a fast idle and hold it there. Gently/slowly release the clutch pedal until the car just starts to creep forward That is the bite point of the clutch. Release the hand brake, and add a little more gas and continue to slowly/smoothly release the clutch until it is fully engaged. Now you should be moving in first gear.

To change into second, release the gas at the same time disengaging the clutch. Pull the gear lever smartly back into second, and get back on the gas - to where it was before - while releasing the clutch smoothly. It's all about coordinating the application of the throttle and clutch. If you apply too much gas or too soon, the engine will flare (rev up). If you release the clutch without enough gas, the car will bog and lurch forward. Be smooth. You can practice changes at a standstill (engine off) to coordinate the movement of your hands and feet. Practice, practice and practice. It's easy, but don't stress if you need a bit longer to "get" it.
2016-01-21 5:48 am
Poppy is correct. Without depressing the gas pedal, ease up on the clutch pedal very gently until you feel the tug of the clutch plate meet with the engine. It'll take a few tries to get the feel. I plant my heel on the floor and ease up raising the ball of my foot, that way I don't cause the car to buck. Once you succeed in that, its easier to shift or go in reverse because it's the point of contact that starts the car moving and about 30 to 45 minutes of practice, you'll be able to tell when the moment of contact happens. As for gear shifting, 1st is 0 to 10 mph, 2nd is 10 to 20 mph, 3rd and 4th gear is the speed limit where ever posted and 5th is technically overdrive for the highway. In a while of getting used to your car, you'll be able to tell how your engine sounds to shift. Just remember to depress the clutch when you stop. Good luck, be patient, and be safe.
2016-01-21 3:56 am
Ok, here we go. This is your practice drill. 1st and Reverse only.You must first learn the feel of the clutch. Start in 1st or reverse(depends on clearance to nearest object). slowly lift the clutch, no gas. Go forward or reverse several times then go the other way. The object is to find out how to lift the clutch without stalling.Once you master this part, the shifting between gears is easy-peasy. Private email me for more if needed.
2016-01-21 9:42 am
A 16 year old kid in a Mustang? You yanks are insane. She'll be dead in a month.
2016-01-21 9:05 am
Hi yes one practice practice and more practice.
2016-01-21 3:55 am
why did you buy it,if you can not drive it,its sounds dumb to me but then again i am old

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