How to live on your own when...?

2016-01-21 1:40 am
When your job doesn't pay enough to afford the cost of living in your area, your single, not married and therefore don't have a second income, don't have anyone to be roommates with because all of your friends moved away and you are back in school for your masters and so can't pick up more hours at work?

回答 (6)

2016-01-21 1:43 am
It's sad that people can get with opposite gender strangers but can't live as best friends with your same gender and as siblings. It's also sad that siblings can't live together and 'share income'.

Wait, did I say 'can't'? How stupid of me, of course people 'can'. But most people are scaredy cats and conformists, so continue doing what everyone else does and don't make your own life the way you want it.

If you choose best answer, leave comments!
2016-01-21 3:05 am
I think you are smart enough to figure that one out
2016-01-21 2:27 am
smartest thing to do is live with your parent until next best thing happens

going back for masters just because yo ucan't live own your own is bad idea
2016-01-21 2:14 am
There are sites you can use for finding a roommate. Luckily for me when I was out of money and completely my unpaid internship, my parents lent me money so I don't know if that's an option for you. Otherwise I'd say get a roommate, find a new job, or put your masters on hold for now.
2016-01-21 1:48 am
Depending on how long you have been with the company, ask your supervisor/boss for a raise. Or apply for other jobs in your field that have better pay. Stay at your current job until you get hired somewhere else. If and when you get another job, make sure you give at least two weeks notice so they can find somebody to replace you.
You can also apply for grants and scholarships.
2016-01-21 1:44 am
1. Drink a lot of water to make your stomach feel full so you won't eat as much.
2. Steal Toilet Paper and assundries from work or restaurants or whatever.
3. Get an Efficiency Flat (Apartment) with no bedroom, you just sleep in the livingroom.
4. Recycle all the super-cheap beer cans you drank, because now you cannot afford premium beer anymore.
5. Get a significant phock-buddy, lower your expectations, she'll help with the finances when you move in together. (They'll all the same in bed.)

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:24:58
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