My chest hurts and im 14?

2016-01-20 7:25 pm
Im 14 (female) and have been feeling dizzy and been having chest pains. It just comes and hits me where all the sudden ill feel dizzy then the chest pains come on the left side of my chest. It feels deep and sharp. I tale TUMS and they dont really help. Does this sound like some heart problem? Help? Im confused...

回答 (5)

2016-01-21 5:08 am
ok first dizziness is not part of heart problems
the fact that you get dizzy first and then the chest pains start could be that your so worried about the dissyness your get anxiety and your chest starts to hurt, I know it probably sounds hard to belive that anxiety could cause pain like that so quickly but it really really can

if your were having chest pains on their own it would be different, things like heart conditions often start in the centre of your chest and often a heavy feeling of pressure and then can travel down your arms ect
a doctor wil be able to find out if its heart realted or not but really it dosnt sound like you have a heart condition so pleae try to not worry, I know that's easier said than done but try because the more you relax expecially when the chest pains start the more likely they will be to calm down

the dizziness you dexcribe sounds like a simple ear infection or vertigo witch again can be caused by an inner ear infection and can also make u feel or even be sick
ear infections are a very common reason for dizziness, even if you dnt think u have an ear infection

go to the doctor and explain everything your doctor can check if u have an ear infection or try to find out whats going on with ablood test ect
really try not to worry about your heart and tell your doctor your worried so he/she can put your mind at rest so u can stop worrying
I have chest pains every now and then most people do good luck and try to relax when u feel dizzy, sit down and calm down and get to the doctor : )
2016-01-20 7:49 pm
Ofcourse, I suggest you go to a doctor and explain everything, other than that I think it maybe normal symptons of puberty.
2016-01-20 7:34 pm
Go to the doctor. Nobody here can really help you.
That might be mitral valve prolapse. But it usually doesn't hurt, just makes weird noises XD
Or maybe something else.
2016-01-20 7:27 pm
Could be acute tachycardia. I canmt give you a real diagnosis but i have hesrd of tachycardia patients who have the same symptoms you describe
2016-01-20 7:26 pm
Go tO the doctor. Most people here are on lunch break from a shitty desk job, or unemployed.

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