What to do if you don't have a life dream?

2016-01-20 11:00 am
We all need something to strive towards, a goal to achieve and despite being a motivated and positive person at times, I find myself in a horrible situation of not having a dream that I want to achieve career wise. I've never had one and I don't feel like I have a purpose. What can I do?

回答 (4)

2016-01-20 11:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can get one. You can make up a purpose.
2016-01-20 11:26 am
Do what the rest of do. Stop day dreaming and live in the real world where the goal is to earn enough to eat and put a roof over our heads.
2016-01-20 12:07 pm
"We all need something to strive towards, a goal..." No, we don't.

Go on about your life. It's a fool who looks for greater meaning in their life. We're mammals. That's it. I support my awesome family. If you want to gussy it up and call it a, "goal," feel free but, it's just adulthood.

After Comment:
Why not aim higher? Because, again, that's all we are: mammals. You're struggling because there is nothing higher. You say it yourself: "...that comes naturally..." Stop trying to do the unnatural and you'll be more satisfied with your life.
參考: "You are not special. You are not a unique and beautiful snowflake." -Tyler Durden
2016-01-20 11:51 am
If you don't have a life dream you will soon develop one...it's called survival.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:24:22
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