How to understand love?

2016-01-20 1:50 am
It was 3 months ago when I starting talking to this guy through a chat app. It was good conversations (normal) for the first few weeks and then he began to have feelings for me a little. He confessed that he liked me and told me most of his life and stuff throughout the months. I felt that I trusted him and gotten to know him a lot better. We have messaged almost everyday, sometimes calling each other. The thing is that, I've never had a relationship before. I'm much of an outsider I guess. I don't talk to guys that often.. mostly girls you know. I'm a college student by the way, virgin. He is not a virgin and he's like 2 years older than me. Anyway, I have never experienced loving someone so deeply and intimately. So for a couple of weeks now, he says that he really likes me and usually says he loves me too. At first, I resisted the temptation of getting attached because of my life right now, but every time he talks to me, I kind of developed feelings for him too. He seems to be getting serious since he told some people and I haven't.. is this what love is? I mean, has anyone experienced this? I really like him and I just want my soulmate to be like the first and last guy you know? Thanks for reading though!

回答 (3)

2016-01-20 1:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thats not quite love, yet. It's more of a strong chemistry connection with you. I would recommend to go out on some dates, go do something fun with him. Also be sure that you take it slow, tell him that you want to take it slow, you will actually enjoy his company more at that pace and you'll have a better shot at creating a strong a successful relationship. Just spend time together, joke, laugh, and live your lives.
2016-01-20 1:57 am
love is when they are the most important part of your life ---- when you want to talk to them be with them as long and as often as possible
2016-01-20 1:52 am
I doubt he loves you, but what do I know. It's only been a few months, feelings may develop, but I doubt true love. Maybe longing, or happiness.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:23:53
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