Did you (any men) ever leave your job for another one so that you can spend more time with your family?

2016-01-20 1:09 am
Did you (men) ever leave your job for another less-exciting job so that you can spend more time with your wife and kids? I work long hours in my current job and it drives me crazy often. I'm getting married this year, and I have been thinking to find another job with more predictable work hours though it may be less exciting than my current one and have limited growth opportunity so that I can spend more time with my wife and future kids.

Please share your experience if you have any. Thanks

回答 (7)

2016-01-20 1:48 am
Why did you have to make this sexist? My career has always been more time demanding than my husband's, and yes, the amount of time I get to spend with my family absolutely plays a role when I consider a new position. I was actually just contacted by a company that is very interested in hiring me, but the job would have a fair number of Saturdays, which I have to weigh against a significantly higher salary. But I'm leaning toward having my weekends with my husband and children over an additional $20,000 in pay.
2016-01-20 5:24 pm
Some men and women do that. Many don't. Talk to your future wife about this. Maybe she'd prefer you not do that, or at least not right away and so you might want to take her feelings into consideration.

There's also the chance that you could find a job with good growth potential and that was exciting, while still providing you with plenty of time to spend with family. It's rarely a black/white situation.
2016-01-20 3:22 am
Not too long ago I declined an opportunity that would have meant more money but also meant moving again and then me being home even less. My gig right now is pretty great. I do have to travel a little more than I'd like, but it's worth it and I'm getting the hang of maximizing my weekends
2016-01-20 1:16 am
Yes I did. I'm earning less but I don't miss the money one bit. One thing though is that you can't dread going to work, so you have to like your job because less hours could feel like more if it's not the right job and you might spend more time with your family but not be in the greatest of moods. So it depends on a combination. I also found that having less money I'm actually having more fun with the family because our life has become less materialistic and more real.
2016-01-20 7:31 pm
Talk it over with your wife, first.
2016-01-20 12:46 pm
Yes, kept changing until I figured out a way to have my own business, that I ran out of my home. Turned out to make enough and work out well enough for my wife to focus on her career and go to school for over a decade, getting her degree's. She on the other hand has continually taken more demanding, challenging positions that takes more of her time away from the family.
I am a firm believer in the one parent home, one works on their careers. Doesn't matter to me who does what if the needs of the kids and the finical future are both being addressed. I can't see how can work for a finical future without it impacting the quality of their family life at this time. One has to focus on the kids, the other has to focus on the future.
2016-01-20 2:37 am
No, my husband didn't. To him, he worked, and I stayed at home and raised kids.It was kinda our agreement, since I am autistic.But as time went on,i saw that all he did was work,sleep and what extra time he had, he gamed. He didn't give me any time to myself: i had to find it when the kids were in school. He also didn't spend any time with the kids.I had to be both mom n dad. He basically distanced himself away from the kids,and that made me feel resentful towards him. In short: you're being a hands-on dad: I applaud you. To take less pay in order to help care for the kids, is commendable. :)

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