Advice about breast cancer 16 pls help?

2016-01-19 9:12 pm
So yesterday a nurse found a lump in my breast and at the time told me not to worry as it could be something else like a cyst.

I'm current waiting to see a specialist but I'm worried sick. I know it's rare for a young person to get cancer but after looking it up it also seems rare for a young person to get cysts in there breasts too.
It doesn't help that because my mum is currently battling stage 4 ovarian cancer the doctors have already told me I could have a hereditary BRCA gene.

If anyone has any experience or advice pls help

回答 (11)

2016-01-19 11:47 pm
Even with a faulty BRCA gene your chance of breast cancer is incredibly small.
Generally, if you do have the faulty gene (50/50 chance you inherited), then any increased risk is considered to start when you are 10 years younger than your mother was at her diagnosis.
Lumps in breasts are very common, particularly in teens, nearly all are benign.
Even in high risk women over 50, 4 out of 5 lumps considered suspicious enough to biopsy are NOT breast cancer.
參考: Have been tested and have a faulty BRCA gene. Had breast cancer. My breast cancer was NOT related to the faulty BRCA gene, just coincidental.
2016-01-19 9:52 pm
Even with the BCRA mutation, cysts are way more common that cancer at your age. Be happy you have a good medical team that takes these things as potential concerns, and don't worry about things you can not control at the moment.
2016-01-19 9:37 pm
I've had cysts since I was a teen. Try not to worry.
2016-01-21 1:50 am
Be happy you have a good medical team that takes these things as potential concerns, and don't worry about things you can not control at the moment.
2016-01-20 10:01 am
Sounds like a very common cyst. Not breast cancer in any way shape or form.
參考: Breast Cancer Survivor, diagnosed "Young" at 42.
2016-01-20 2:14 am
If it feels like a cyst, it's a cyst.
2016-01-19 11:29 pm
Yes, it's most likely just a cyst, and yes, you're 30 years too young for b. cancer.
You shouldn't be concerned AT ALL about this.
And actually, if you search on this site, ALL questions about b. cancer are from teens.
Between boob growth, puberty, most teens have lumps at some point.
2016-01-19 10:35 pm
not sure
2016-01-19 10:20 pm
It is SOO rare that yo SHOULD NOT be worried at all.
2016-01-19 10:14 pm
Teens get fibroadenomas, benign lumps, sometimes removed for the look of it.
2016-01-20 7:09 am
1. Breast Cancer* Signs & Symptoms in Brief----------------- Lumps, Slight hardening, Nipple discharge, Change in the shape of your nipples, Change in the texture of the skin over your breasts, Knots in your arm pits. Skin dimpling or puckering
Nipples that turn inward, Nipple discharge, Redness or scaling of your nipple or breast skin.

2. Risk of breast cancer under the age of 15 is statistically ZERO.
Risk from 15 - 20 years is 1 in 1.3 million. All your symptoms cited--------------connected to either menses or puberty or part & parcel of growing breasts which shall go off slowly but steadily. They mimic breast cancer symptoms only. 90% of breast cysts are benign (non cancerous). 90% of the remaining 90% are encapsulated (protected from spreading by your immune system's safeguard systems). That means the remainder (only 1%) requires aggressive treatment. Because yours has "resided", It's (no doubt) resides in the category of Sebaceous Cyst, which means that a hair follicle has accumulating lipoproteins (fat products) - same as a cyst on your neck or back (annoying but benign). Many don't know that the breasts have very fine hairs on them ( We Do). This scare reduced your chances of aggressive breast cancer, because you WILL do your monthly self exams & annual mammograms. MAJOR ADDITION: Because this "lump" began when you 14 y/o I have no doubt that this is simply a hair follicle which invaginated a fat cell and began to accumulate lipoproteins (it's a fatty cyst - not cancer). At of your age, there's almost no way your growth cycle could have left a cancer capsule unruptured without major symptoms much earlier.
3. Knots in the armpit[s] and a stone like tumour in the bresty[s] can be malignant. Soft & rubber like tumour moveable is not cancerous. A general surgeon can extract it by surgical interference.
Any cancer is curable, if diagnosed early. Acupressure techniques ensure instant diagnosis of any cancer, subject to confirmation by US/MRI/CT/PET Scans and Biopsy after one year.

4. Breast Cancer- Instant Diagnosis With the aid of acupressure techniques, breast cancer can be diagnosed right @ your door steps. Details follow----------------

To start with, this free facility is made available exclusively for the poor and middle class with ‘no insurance cover’.
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• Yahoo Answers blog is so popular that, when my grand children feel extremely happy, they shout ‘Yahoo, Yahoo’.Just like Shammi Kapoor used to shout in old Hindi film-“Janglee”.

Any Cancer, lupus, HIV/AIDS, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, etc., —Common Symptoms:
Sudden loss of weight/stamina, anemia, unbearable pains in any organ despite medication, neuralgia, FATIGUE-getting extremely tired for a little or no work, loss of appetite, unhealed wound in any part of the body for years together, chronic constipation, chronic hemorrhages, hemoptysis, etc. Cancer may affect from any organ to any organ[s]/system[s].

Dr.Vora designed the diagnostic procedures, with the aid of acupressure techniques, so simple that even the poorest of the poor in remote villages/hamlets, all the youngsters [the future of this mother “EARTH”] with little knowledge & serious efforts, can know instantaneously @ no costs all over the globe. However, Acupressure Diagnosis is subject to confirmation by Allopathic Investigative Procedures [X-ray/US/CT/MRI/PET Scans, Biopsy, etc.,], which most of the poor and the lower & the upper middle class cannot afford.

“The language is very simple to understand. No confusion at all. U may study the details, discuss with Ur family members and friends and understand the concept of ‘Acupressure’ and confirm for Urself, if U or anybody else has cancer/hiv and the affected organs. “

5. The 'breast' acupressure remote control point is located in the middle of Ur palm on the dorsal side---where U can see Ur nails. U may refer the acupressure map published and kept in the link stated hereunder.
Dorsal side of Palms & soles to diagnose & treat ailments of eyes, spine, breast cancer, etc., : If this link does not work, you may visit for instant, online and free diagnosis of breast cancer and download the acupressure map and check for yourself or with the help of some body.
If U press hard the right palm @ the specified place with Ur left thumb----if it pains and that means Ur right breast is affected. Similarly, the left palm--for the left breast. With the aid of acupressure techniques, U can find out breast cancer symptoms one year before it is detected by mammography. If Point Nos. 11-16 gonads & Lymph}, are highly tender, it means, U have breast cancer.

If U press the specified points daily---U can as well postpone the onset of tumor too. At Lucknow, when we conducted free diagnosis camps in 1998-2002, we had a feed back from many poor women confirming status quo ante of breast cancer-with the aid of acupressure techniques.
Tender Breast[s] lumps/Fibroadenomas/
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