Since nature was created supernaturally, then science deals with the supernatural?

2016-01-19 1:09 pm

回答 (13)

2016-01-19 1:11 pm
Supernatural means it doesn't exist. It means outside of reality.
Supernatural is superstitious, notice the similarity of the words?
There is no such thing as supernatural.
Superman is supernatural,,,remember?
2016-01-19 1:18 pm
Well, there's your problem... nature, by it's very definition means the natural world, the opposite of supernatural.
2016-01-19 1:17 pm
You are almost there.

The question would be IF nature had been created supernaturally, would science deal with the supernatural?

In that case, the answer would be: Yes, and we still would call it "nature".

It is an interesting insight. If we lived in a universe of supernatural origin, this would not be outside the scope of science. It would simply be part of reality, and observable by the methods and tools of science. Science simply observes reality, regardless of its origin.

Your observation may utterly demolish the theist argument that "the supernatural falls outside the realm of science". Congratulations!
2016-01-19 1:28 pm
Since nature was created supernaturally, then science deals with the supernatural?

Forget the word natural, it is not precise enough, empirical is the word we should be using. You are suggesting the empirical world has a super empirical creator, and that science, the investigation of the empirical universe, deals with the super empirical. Do you see the problem there? If you hypothesise on a Super Empirical creator, then you will very quickly realise that there is no empirical way to test it, you have to rely on faith, belief with no proof, which is where your hypothesis falls apart.
2016-01-19 1:12 pm
Science deals with reality. If the supernatural actually exists, then it is a part of reality.

If supernatural entities impose their will on the rest of reality, their effects should be detectable.
2016-01-19 1:14 pm
No nature wasn't created supernaturally . Do some research first, before asking.
2016-01-19 1:10 pm
False premise. Next question.
2016-01-19 1:11 pm
Anything that we haven't discovered as yet is considered supernatural?
2016-01-19 5:05 pm
No, the nature of something created need not be the nature of what created it.
2016-01-19 4:40 pm
Nature was 'created supernaturally', so, no, science doesn't deal with the supernatural. IT deals with understanding the laws that keep the world and nature running as it does.
2016-01-19 1:38 pm
I bet that sounded just great in your head before you posted it. It actually makes you look sad, friend.
2016-01-19 1:21 pm
Wrong. There is nothing to suggest anything was 'created supernaturally'.
2016-01-19 1:27 pm
Science simply observes.

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