What if Jesus is black?

2016-01-19 8:44 am

回答 (71)

2016-01-19 8:52 am
Jesus was black and gay, republicans are screwed.
2016-01-19 8:48 am
"After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light." (Matthew 17:1-2)

Sounds like Jesus is not very dark in appearance.
2016-01-19 8:19 pm
Jesus was jewish, yet Jews are still hated. If Jesus was black would it make a difference?
2016-01-19 7:02 pm
jesus was just a man hes dead and will never come back
2016-01-19 9:14 am
What if He was - so what? How on earth does the colour of a person's skin have any bearing on anything?

Before agreeing to be sent to Earth to become Mary's child, this One was the uncreated Word of God, who was with God in the beginning, who IS God, and who made everything that was made. He became flesh, obtaining human nature from Mary, and added that to His divine nature.

All we can suppose about Jesus' physical appearance was that he looked like any baby born to any Jewish mother back then. He grew up to look like all Jewish boys looked like. He was clearly identifiable as a Galilean. But His physical appearance, when on Earth, is utterly inconsequential! It is who He is and what He's done that is monumental, and applies to all humanity, at all times, past, present and future. So what if Jesus was black? Let's get our priorities right, here!
2016-01-19 8:52 am
It is obvious that if he did exist he would be much darker than the statues and paintings make him look. Probably not black but even further from white.
2016-01-19 8:54 am
With a phyton between his legs...
2016-01-19 8:46 am
You would first have to give me solid evidence that Jesus actually existed, before I can talk about his race.
2016-01-20 6:27 pm
it would upset a lot of people . and people may responds that he could not be so they can hold on their own image of "their" Jesus for those who it MATTERS what skin color it was

What is the OT God ? What was Adam and Eve ? so the bible explains languages with the TOWER of BABEL How do they explain skin color Asians Indians Africans Aborigines . so do you think its most likely it started as a ethnic and cultural god since he makes the Hebrews "SPECIAL" why would a god that created everyone ONLY interact with one group

. How come in the bible god never talks to the Chinese or the Nubian's AKA Kush /Ethiopians/ Athiopes Greek for "burnt face ones " Now the Mormon CLAIM or rationalize that "black people " only exist because it was a "Punishment from god ? ?????( eye roll ) so Jesus had to be "white" according to them that doesn't explain Asians i guess if you use inter racial reproduction you get skin shades How about we stick to science and evolution and adaptation to environment
2016-01-19 10:18 pm
So what? Whether black or white,I love Him and always will. It's not His race that matters but rather His sacrifice for us humans and His love for us. He is the Truth,the Life and the Way.
2016-01-19 10:08 pm
He wasn't. He was Shemitic - not Hamitic. Scripture is concisely clear about that.
2016-01-19 7:34 pm
Would anyone stop believing in Jesus if they found out he was of a different race/culture then they thought??
I don't think so - so what does it matter. Nobody has claim or rights over Jesus more than anyone else. No group would be better if they shared same race or not. Jesus came for the sinners of the world.So that includes all of us. That said he was middle eastern in my mind.
2016-01-19 4:32 pm
So.....? He was dark-skinned...but the important thing is that he was a good man with a good plan for us to live together in peace....Love was his message. As an atheist I believe he existed but was mortal and died like the rest of us....all the stories were add 300 years later.

Mo University Lecturer Atheist with degrees in Theology, Comparitive Religious Studies and Philosophy of Religion, taught English Lit.
2016-01-19 4:24 pm
2016-01-19 2:02 pm
What if Jesus is Aborigine.
2016-01-19 1:46 pm
Jesus was a Jew, from the line of David.
2016-01-19 1:14 pm
Jesus was a Jew so he certainly is not like he is depicted in many pictures.
Jesus likely looked like someone from that region. Also according to the bible he could have not have long hair because that was not customary among Jews. He also would have had a beard. His skin color had to have been darker more olive but we do not know exactly what he looked like and it does not matter. Even if he would have looked black he still would have been our savior Jesus Christ.
The important thing is to get to know Jesus by studying the scriptures and if we claim to be Christian ( Christ like ) we would follow in his footsteps as close as we can, right? Therefore we would not be partial, prejudice, hateful, deceiving, we would be loving and kind and helpful to all of our neighbors in the world right?
If you like to know such type of people go and check out www.jw.org and see for yourself. you can find out a lot more about Jesus there.
Take care
2016-01-19 12:47 pm
doesn't matter what his skin color was, he is a spirit now
2016-01-19 11:30 am
I was looking at a statement by someone yesterday about Jesus being black because all the people in the Middle East were black. I turned on the news and there was our people at the table with Iranians, and later with Israelis, and not one single person was black or even dark. Now, the reality is, it doesn't matter, but some people just have to have Jesus the same color as they are. Interesting.......
2016-01-19 10:41 am
Makes no difference to me.
2016-01-19 9:44 am
fine - I would still follow Him

blacks are awesome Christians and beautiful looking people

but Jesus wasn't - Jesus looks like the traditional image we all have of Him
2016-01-19 9:41 am
Isn't he in spirit form now. While he was allegedly on Earth, he was a Jew, therefore could not have been black.
2016-01-19 8:57 am
Jesus isn't real
2016-01-19 8:49 am
Does it matter?
2016-01-19 10:37 am
Jesus was a man, doesn't much matter if he was polka dotted. Christ aka TRUTH in Jesus & his obedience in Christ is what made Jesus God's son not his gender,hair color, height or whatever physical superficiality people get hung up on.
2016-01-21 5:27 pm
Jesus color is not of importance. We should focus on the work he did and his example. He preached to all people without prejudice and taught people the bible.
2016-01-21 2:24 pm
Jesus was not black or white, he was a little bit brownish as most of the people in that area at the time, you have to understand that egypt and Rome were huge empires with a lot of traveling and business and commerce going on! Jesus was in a midle class family, he had trade he was educated, and yes not black or white! A mix! but even if he were to be black..so what? the blacks should concentrate on getting educated, become successful through hard work and give up on religion. Religion brings suffering and death, education, good ethics and hard work brings joy prosperity and overall happiness! Jesus VS Thomas Jeferson, I take the founder any day! why do you choose Jesus...he ended up on the cross! is that what you want for you and your loved ones?
2016-01-21 2:07 am
Jesus is GOD , and while He was on earth in a flesj body He was a Jew

and JEWS are NOT Black nor White, the Bible described Him as Fair, Olive Skinned....and nothing to be desired to look upon, nothing special, nothing abnormal or anything to draw attention to Him...BUT when HE stood up and Spoke they were drawn to His Word, whom He is...the Living Word of God made flesh and dwelt among us

people need to wake up...and stop being foolish
2016-01-21 1:37 am
He was closer to black than to white
2016-01-21 12:47 am
What difference does it make?
2016-01-21 12:20 am
What if He were???
2016-01-21 12:07 am
So what. Plenty of prophets came from plenty of ethnic origins.
2016-01-20 10:51 pm
Trump is going to send him out of the US because he is here illegally.
2016-01-20 5:34 pm
I will not argue hypotheticals with an idiot
2016-01-20 5:26 pm
What really important is that Jesus is now King of Jehovah's Heavenly Kingdom! (Matthew 6:9,10; Daniel 2:44)
2016-01-20 3:51 pm
He probably is.
2016-01-20 2:46 pm
2016-01-20 12:40 pm
It could be! Because I was born in this world like us!
2016-01-20 10:17 am
What if Jesus never existed?
2016-01-20 8:30 am
Jesus was a Middle Eastern Jew.
He would have been brown.
2016-01-20 7:09 am
Come on. One cannot live that close to the equator and not be black.....congratualtions.....now you are thinking.
2016-01-20 5:21 am
Everyone knows true Egyptians and Hebrews were Black
2016-01-20 5:18 am
what if why should it matter if he is white black or middle eastern looking most likely the later one but it shouldn't matter at all
2016-01-20 5:16 am
Jesus is
2016-01-20 5:01 am
He wasn't

What about Jesus’ complexion and features? They were likely Semitic. He would have inherited these features from his mother, Mary, who was Jewish.

Her ancestors were Jewish, in the line of the Hebrews. So Jesus would probably have had a complexion and features common to Jews.
2016-01-20 4:54 am
if he's black then he's black
參考: simple answer
2016-01-20 4:34 am
Theres a good chance Hes not white.
2016-01-20 4:28 am
Impossible! Jesus said, "I am what I am", if he were black, he would have said, "I is what I is".
2016-01-20 4:27 am
How come when Jesus was descended from Sam or being Samatic the same as the Arabs.
2016-01-20 2:36 am
He isnt white either but what difference does the color of God make anyway??? absolutely none. God is a spirit Jesus as a man was a Jew and His skin color was just for earth ...
2016-01-20 2:07 am
Skin color does not matter at all. It's what is in your heart that counts, no matter who you are. We are all human. Our coloring is not an issue.
2016-01-20 1:55 am
Then he probably cant hold a job.
2016-01-20 12:52 am
Jesus had a miraculous birth on the earth in a Jewish family of the nation of Israel. But Jesus had a heavenly existence before he became a human. As
Col. 1:15-17, states: “He [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation . All things were created through him and for him. He is before all things. John 17:5, states [In prayer Jesus said:] Father, glorify thou me in thy own presence with the glory which I had with thee before the world was made.” ( John 8:23)

It is for the benefit of the Human Race God's Son, Jesus Christ, came to the earth. So color is not of significance.

Jesus Christ: Definition: The only-begotten Son of God, the only Son produced by Jehovah alone. This Son is the firstborn of all creation. By means of him all other things in heaven and on earth were created. He is the second-greatest personage in the universe. It is this Son whom Jehovah sent to the earth to give his life as a ransom for mankind, thus opening the way to eternal life for those of Adam’s offspring who would exercise faith. This same Son, restored to heavenly glory, now rules as King, with authority to destroy all the wicked and to carry out his Father’s original purpose for the earth. The Hebrew form of the name Jesus means “Jehovah Is Salvation”; Christ is the equivalent of the Hebrew Ma·shiʹach (Messiah), meaning “Anointed One.”
參考: Bible/JW.org
2016-01-20 12:27 am
It wouldnt and doesnt matter to me what colour Jesus is!
2016-01-19 8:51 pm
Okay by me .
2016-01-19 8:46 pm
Yeah. Right. A Jew with blue eyes, tall, nearly blond - just like you imagine him!
2016-01-19 6:47 pm
Who cares? He is still GOD and he loves every race therefore we should too.
2016-01-19 6:34 pm
He could be purple for all I care, makes no difference, he's still the Son of God and we are to love him and live by his teachings about his Father. jw.org
2016-01-19 4:33 pm
Well then , that would certainly explain why he was born not knowing who the daddy was ...
2016-01-19 3:29 pm
Makes no difference. The bible never say what color he is.
2016-01-19 1:03 pm
He wasn't. He wasn't white either. He was Semitic. Dark hair, olive skin. That's about as much as we can surmise about his appearance.
2016-01-19 1:00 pm
He is. Or was when he was on earth. He was mid-eastern race. They are a dark race. Their skin-tone ranges much the way black people today are. From cocoa brown to charcoal black.
2016-01-19 12:05 pm
The bible says Joseph, Mary and Jesus were Jews and the Jewish race is classed as white. A Jew who stays out of the sun actually has a paler skin than a European!
Racism has no place in religion!
2016-01-19 11:33 am
It doesn't matter - black, white, brown, yellow, red, purple...it really wouldn't matter. What does matter is that His blood ran red so our sin could be washed white.
2016-01-19 9:55 am
what then accept or reject Him perhaps He has lived life in all shades from white through black and in the end it does not matter one jot for only the soul in the heart matters in the end.
2016-01-19 9:48 am
he is not black
2016-01-19 9:37 am
What if Jesus is black?

~~~ Other than racists, who cares?
2016-01-19 9:35 am
2016-01-19 9:08 am
you can imagine jesus to be any colour you wanted. A black one with pink spots could be interesting.
2016-01-19 8:57 am
What if he was Israeli? Oh wait... That couldn't possibly make sense being that he was reportedly from Isreal. Aren't they Orientals down there or are they just suspected of being Orientals?
2016-01-20 4:23 pm
No, Jesus came through the line of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and Judah.
This only because God made a covenant with Abraham that by means of his seed nation would be blessed. (Genesis 22:18)
參考: Bible, JW.Org

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