What is the easiest way to spend an overnight in jail?

2016-01-18 2:26 pm
I want to spend overnight in jail like twice anyone got advice, i live in Australia so the laws would be different - i have herd people have been sent to jail for over jue books or even saying stupid things on facebook etc, anyway what is your opinion with it - esyest way to spend a overnight in jail or even at the police station, i don;t want to end up in jail just simple night (dont ask why and say your stupid because i don't care and you don't need to understand) just replie nice to my question

回答 (3)

2016-01-18 6:00 pm
Camp out at the front door to the jail.
2016-01-18 3:51 pm
You will not be sent to jail for overdue library books, this is a civil offence not criminal, or saying stupid things on FB.
Hit someone, or get very drunk.
You will then appear in Court and have a criminal record for the rest of your life.
2016-01-18 2:27 pm
Be very drunk so you sleep it off.

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