Why am I sad?

2016-01-18 8:53 am
I got a job
I go to high school
I live with my mom
I'm getting a car
I am still sad I have no idea why

回答 (3)

2016-01-18 11:31 pm
It doesn't matter what you have or how well off you are or your situation your allowed to be sad, I can't tell you why your sad because I simply don't know you and I wish I could help and if you want you can email me, on here, but you might have a good life that doesn't mean you can't be sad because you can, but speak to someone because it might be hard trust me I know, but it's pointless going through life upset, because it's just wasting your life away so try to speak to someone and make yourself happy by finding something you really enjoy to do, and also remember to nit put yo much pressure on yourself, good luck
2016-01-18 10:28 am
find God
2016-01-18 9:30 am
Go volunteer at local homeless shelter and learn how good u got life

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