Why should you be a good person?

2016-01-18 8:16 am
like are there any reasons? Why should you treat others how you want to be treated? Is there any benefit to being a good person? When you do good, what should be your reason?

many people say you should be a good person without expecting anything in return... unfortunately religions say if you are bad bad things will happen to you and if you are good, good things will happen to you. Then does it mean you are only doing good in fear of punishment or because you want a reward (i.e. heaven, nirvana). Is it truly possible to do good without expecting anything in return? What is considered good anyways?

回答 (31)

2016-01-18 5:39 pm
A thief lives in a thieves den. When you respect no laws you cannot TRUST others to do so. If morality is meaningless to you and makes no sense then you cannot imagine any other sensible people buying it. So you live in a very dangerous place mentally.

I do not do what is right on the assumption that others Will do so, I do so to save myself from the mindset of the evildoer. A mindset that I have personally experienced. I'd rather be ripped off 100 times than live in the mind of the criminal.
2016-01-18 11:29 pm
Logically, if everyone treated everyone else the way that they would like to be treated, the world would be a better place. There is your beginning, go from there.
2016-01-18 8:39 pm
To treat others how you want to be treated is to assume that others want to be treated the way that you want to be treated, which is illogical as it makes all humanity one dimensional. Not all people want to be treated the same way.

I prefer the negative of the Golden Rule which is as follows; If I would find an something harmful then I should not do that thing to another.

Why am I good? Because if you treat people like dirt then you will be treated the same. If you are good to others, some will reciprocate while others will not, those who do not are extricated from my life as I have no room for abusive or otherwise negative people in my life.
2016-01-18 8:29 am
Who would you rather hang out with - a bunch of people that treat each other like crap, or a bunch of people that treat each other like true friends?
2016-01-18 8:20 am
because what goes around comes around my friend
2016-01-18 8:20 am
I am a generally kind person, and I feel guilty when I am rude or mean to someone. And I just think, what if I was them. That's my reason, but everyone has a different.
2016-01-21 4:26 am
Sometimes I think I only do good because of recognition and that makes me feel happy too. But it is hard to do good without the voice in the back of your head saying "look someone is watching." Be a good person because you'll feel good about yourself. And sometimes it's okay to do good for yourself as long as it benefits the other person.
2016-01-21 1:35 am
No one would choose to be friend with a bad person. "Bad association spoils useful habit" says the Bible. I Corinthians 15:33.If you are a bad person you will attract bad friends and the result is often disastruous
2016-01-21 1:13 am
My ideal was to be a person that did the right thing. I had high expectations of what I would and where I would go in life. I wanted to end up being the person I wanted to be. It isn't the easy road but I think makes it a little better for all of us. And why? You should have known my sweet mother. If I didnt do it right, she would have been so worried for me. Being good really has nothing to do with do you believe in God or not. It is behavior becoming your parents and your family's name and eventually who you are.
2016-01-20 8:35 pm
What means "good person"? It's too subjective.
2016-01-20 12:42 am
because u want good.
2016-01-19 11:41 pm
You either are or you aren't. Religion may provide a motivation (but that isn't always good). Philosophy provides a means to think for yourself and consider the potential consequences of any actions you may take. The difficult part is accepting the responsibility entirely even when the consequences are unforseen. That's what makes a person good..
2016-01-19 11:33 pm
Good and bad are relative terms and are developed in the course of the growth of any human society. Being good implies that you are acceptable to the society and your deeds do least harm to others. Being good is an individual's contribution to the growth of a good society. You are also satisfied that you had not caused any harm to others. Being good implies causing least harm to others. If followed by everyone, this will ensure a good life for you in a peaceful atmosphere.
2016-01-19 2:37 pm
If you are good to other ,it is good for you mentally
2016-01-19 1:25 pm
A fifth dimensional perspective would know whether good is really good objectively and not just asthetics of introversion. Sadly, we can at best know the limits we place on our abstract conclusions. However, collaboration may unveil the unseen
2016-01-19 12:46 pm
Being a good person has two good effects. One, it attracts other good people, which is a vast improvement over attracting bad people. Two, it makes you feel good about yourself - again, a vast improvement over the alternative.
2016-01-19 10:05 am
by your personality.
2016-01-19 9:19 am
Why should you be a good person?

~~~ We have no 'free-will/choice'!
We cannot be anything but who and what we are at any moment of existence!
If one moment we are a creep, that is what we do!
If at another we are a healer, THAT is what we do!
Sometimes you 'do', what to vain judgmental children, is judged as 'good'.
Sometimes, not.
2016-01-19 4:31 am
2016-01-19 3:11 am
I think, Because It gives Me Personal Satisfaction.
2016-01-19 1:22 am
Justine the pagan put it clearly---do good because good is good to do -- and it will make you feel good too
2016-01-18 11:33 pm
The benefit is so that you and others will have a good, long life. Real simple, lol.
2016-01-18 10:39 pm
"Good" sounds good to your self, most likely. Why show good versus inappropriate behaviour? Which Sounds better?
2016-01-18 6:36 pm
Because you will lead a much happier life....

Mo University Lecturer
2016-01-18 2:49 pm
When you do something harsh or violent, or you hold a grudge, the first and foremost victim is yourself. It haunts you and leaves you restless. Being kind is a a way of being kind to oneself. But, as in many other areas, we often treat ourselves like **** and are our worst enemy.
2016-01-18 2:33 pm
As a Buddhist I would mention karma as one of the reasons that the good path should be taken whenever possible.
2016-01-18 1:17 pm
This kind of thinking is why people invented religion. You won't be good unless I reward you with Heaven or stop being bad unless I threaten you with Hell. Nietzsche said that anyone who has to have a reason to be honest can't be trusted.
2016-01-18 11:34 am
You either are or you aren't. Religion may provide a motivation (but that isn't always good). Philosophy provides a means to think for yourself and consider the potential consequences of any actions you may take. The difficult part is accepting the responsibility entirely even when the consequences are unforseen. That's what makes a person good.
2016-01-20 5:36 am
Being good basically exposes you to being hurt and used by others. That's the main drawback. It costs you.

The rewards?
1. people trust you more
2. many will come to your aid in times of need if they're good people too- birds of a feather, after all
3. you're less prone to being conned by confidence tricks requiring the mark's greed, for one
4. you'll sleep much better at night (or so I assume- some may find rationalizations to justify moral transgressions)
5. you'll have more friends
6. you might end up being celebrated for your goodness, a la canonization, Nobel, and so forth
7. satisfaction
2016-01-19 11:10 am
God cannot watch each and every human being at the same time. That's why He had created the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.
2016-01-18 10:51 am
that's BS, we need rotten ppl too, so the good ppl can have a reason to come together about.

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