why does krogers, walmart and target, in collierville, tn. not have a senior citizen discount?

2016-01-18 2:40 am

回答 (10)

2016-01-18 4:26 am
most places don't. and seniors are not the prime customer group for those.
2016-01-18 3:15 am
Their choice.
No logical legal reasons for one
2016-01-18 2:44 am
The Kroger stores where I live (Louisville, Ky) have senior citizen day every Thursday. Senior citizens with a Kroger card get 5 percent off.
2016-01-18 2:40 am
I don't know..........
2016-12-18 9:17 pm
Walmart Collierville Tn
2016-11-05 3:29 pm
Walmart Collierville
2016-01-21 5:31 am
ask the manager if you have time, it sounds like a great idea.
2016-01-20 3:06 am
Never seen a Walmart or Target that offers a senior discount
2016-01-19 3:43 am
Most stores don't havr senior discounts. Some restaurants do. You have to ask though.
2016-01-18 2:45 am
it's kroger not 'krogers'

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:20:38
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