Took pregnancy test day after period was due?

2016-01-18 12:48 am
I took a first response digital gold pregnancy test, my period is late by a day and it says it can detect it even before its late. It came out negative so can I trust this? I'm going to retest in a couple days just in case but is this test reliable?

回答 (2)

2016-01-18 1:16 am
Don't use early detection kits. They're much less reliable, even long after a missed period. Just wait a few more days, then test again with a generic test.

Whether or not it's reliable depends on when you ovulated. If you know you ovulated two weeks ago, meaning you charted a basal body temp and showed a dip/spike pattern, then within the week it's about 99% reliable. If you're only counting days and basing it on past cycles, there's no way to know when you're actually late.
2016-01-18 1:02 am
Instead of waiting just a couple days, I would recommend waiting and then tire week. At this point, ANY pregnancy test you take would be reliable.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:21:36
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