When I ask for evidence of God not being real , why do Non-Beliveres never actually answer?

2016-01-17 11:08 pm
The only Answer I ever gotten is

1 because your Gay if you do think he real
2 All the death in the world
3 Science

回答 (20)

2016-01-18 4:31 pm
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"Faith," by definition, means that a person believes regardless of evidence or lack thereof. Many atheists have a problem with the idea of "believing" in something that lacks adequate scientific support. You really can't prove or disprove God or gods or deities. They can't come up with a "good" answer because there IS no good answer. It's like in statistics you come up with a "null hypothesis" - and the burden lies in disproving the null hypothesis. Lack of God is the null hypothesis (null means zero), and without enough proof to suggest that God isn't not real (ie without enough proof to suggest that he is real), we fail to reject the null hypothesis, and continue with the conclusion that God is not real. They can't prove that he's not real... but you also can't sufficiently and scientifically prove that he IS real. (Personally I choose to believe because it brings me peace, but I'm essentially agnostic because I have no way of knowing for sure either way.)
2016-01-17 11:12 pm
Actually I suspect the answer you always get is an explanation of the burden of proof. Atheism isn't making a claim, it's rejecting one. The burden is on the religious to provide evidence of God's existence. I can no more "disprove" the concept of a god then I can disprove the concept that in 10 years the Superbowl will be won by alien dinosaurs with lazer vision. Both are foolish to believe without evidence.
2016-01-17 11:17 pm
It's right next to the evidence of wizards not being real. Look at the evidence of wizards not being real. Now a bit up and to the left. Can you see it?
2016-01-17 11:10 pm
Riiiiiight ...
2016-01-17 11:17 pm
Really? That's all you've gotten? You should really try hanging out with more philosophers.

Your alleged god doesn't exist because it is defined as something which contains a logical contradiction in the very definition -- omniscience and omnipotence are mutually exclusive and so cannot exist any more than a square circle or married bachelor can exist. At the very least, you have a very poor idea of what you even believe in. Secondly, whatever excuse you have to make for why your alleged god does or does not intervene in any given situation makes that god less likely than a god which does not need that excuse. Given that there is no independently verifiable instance of divine intervention, your god needs a mountain of excuses. There is virtually zero chance that any god exists and your specific god is many orders of magnitude less likely than that. It is far more likely that there are dragons, leprechauns, anal probing aliens and a sunken continent of Atlantis... But we all recognize these things are almost certainly false given the complete lack of any evidence for them beyond the wild stories of people who believe in them.
2016-01-18 12:20 am
I'll do so if you can prove to me that unicorns aren't real.
2016-01-17 11:12 pm
Nonexistent entities don't leave evidence that they don't exist.
2016-01-17 11:11 pm
You are asking the wrong people. The ultimate evidence of God's reality is the same as the ultimate evidence of anyone else's reality - meeting the person and coming to know them in a personal way. If you truly want such evidence, just ask God to reveal Himself to you, and He will, as He has done for hundreds of millions of people alive today.
2016-01-19 7:04 pm
"When I ask for evidence of God not being real , (sic) do Non-Beliveres (sic) never actually answer"
I am answering you and I am an unbeliever. You do NOT need evidence that god is not real. There are two reasons for this.

First, god does not exist. I suspect you're referring generically to the Christian-Jewish-Muslim god. There is no evidence for the existence of any god or other supernatural being. The lack of that evidence is itself sufficient.

Secondly, it is not possible to obtain evidence to prove something does not exist. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy do not exist. There is no need to provide evidence that they do not exist. The lack of evidence is enough. It is not possible to generate evidence that they do not exist.
2016-01-19 2:01 am
Yes, but you cannot prove a negative. But I agree that they have their motives for what they believe.
2016-01-18 2:11 pm
You are the one making the claim of a God. You make promises, you offer threats. The burden of proof is on you.
2016-01-18 12:16 pm
the evidence for god not being real is the absence of evidence that god is real. And it is pretty compelling evidence, actually.
2016-01-18 12:13 pm
When I ask for evidence of God not being real , why do Non-Beliveres never actually answer?
Just what evidence can anyone present for none existence that is actually tangible. Nothing.
What evidence does something that is not real leave behind, nothing because there was no such evidence in the first place.
2016-01-18 9:31 am
It's because we can see that you are an intellectually-dishonest tool who probably knows he is committing the logical fallacy of shifting the burden of proof but is hoping that uninformed people will be too ignorant to notice, but doesn't have the integrity to admit it.
2016-01-18 12:41 am
why should they?

YOU never actually provide any evidence it IS real, so why should they provide evidence it ISNT real
2016-01-17 11:40 pm
Personally, as an agnostic, I've never run into a situation where the existence or not of a god makes a difference. When studying the material world the assumption is always that, even if a god exists, she's not messing with the results of your experiments. Finally, if a god exists, I've seen no way to distinguish which or all of the various named ones it might be, although all seem to take offense if you pick the wrong one.
2016-01-17 11:17 pm
why don't you prove that god IS real?
2016-01-18 10:10 am
Because existence is finite.
2016-01-17 11:18 pm
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
Albert Einstein.

"Nothing is as it seems. Nor is it otherwise."
Lankavatara Sutra - Mahāyāna Buddhism

There is no greater mystery than this; that being the reality we seek to gain reality.
Sri Ramana Maharshi (December 30, 1879 – April 14, 1950)

Plato’s cave analogy.
Inprisoned inside the cave (Us), prisoners see the shadows on the wall and mistakenly view the shadows as reality. Every now and agian someone awakens to the truth and tries to tell others (Us), but the others respond with anger.

Greek word "cosmos" Meaning "In The World" functioning apart from God
And according to Early Christian gnosticism - "Seraphims" Keter - Crown Divine Plan ~ The Angel of Death. (Read John 7:7) Satan is the ruler of this "cosmos" (John 12:31; 16:11; 1 John 5:19)

The Surah takes its title from the sentence, Wa anzalna' l-hadida, of verse 25.
(A study of its subject matter)
Surah Al-Hadid (its title meaning, 'the iron') talks about the reality of the transient life of this world.

Hinduism. (Caught up in Samsara – Maya ~ The Malevolant illusion)
In which this universe like a snake on a rope imagined appears.

15. He who sees the universe may try to deny it. What has the desireless to do? He sees not even though he sees. ASTAVAKRA SAMHITA – Chapter XVIII – P136

The universe is endlessly going through creation and dissolution. But that does not affect the Self. The Self is beyond time and causation. Creation and dissolution are in time. In reality nothing else exists. ASTAVAKRA SAMHITA – Chapter XV – P98

The world is real to both those who have not known the Truth
[That which Is] and those who have.  To the ignorant, who have
not realized, Reality is of the dimension of the perceptible world.  But to the Jnanis, Reality, the form of Truth, shines as the nameless formless effulgent whole, the basic substratum [Source] of the world appearances and their subsidence.  Know this as the difference
between the wise and the ignorant.  [Tr. T.R. Kanakammal].

Enlightened enquiry alone leads to Liberation. Supernatural powers are all illusory appearances created by the power of maya (mayashakti). Self-realization which is permanent is the only true accomplishment (siddhi). Accomplishments which appear and disappear, being the effect of maya, cannot be real. They are accomplished with the object of enjoying fame, pleasures, etc. They come unsought to some persons through their karma. Know that union with Brahman is the real aim of all accomplishments. This is also the state of Liberation (aikya mukti) known as union (sayujya)
Ramana Maharshi (30 December 1879 – 14 April 1950)
2016-01-17 11:12 pm
Yes and then they say because no one has ever seen him, or they say the bible is lies when lots of the teachings are coming true

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