what is the earliest memory you have? I cant remember anything before a fishing trip some time around my fourth birthday?

2016-01-17 8:00 pm

回答 (2)

2016-01-23 12:24 pm
I was in my crib for my afternoon nap. So how old is that? I don't know - but someone came into the room and flipped on the overhead light and it burned out with that pop and bright flash you sometimes see. It deeply terrified me, and in fact to this day, when I screw in a light bulb, I have to turn my face away in case it flashes like that again. That was over 50 years ago.
2016-01-17 11:36 pm
That's very good. Most people can't recall anything from that young an age. I can remember something that took place when (my mother told me) I was about 3. Some people claim to recall their infancy before age 2, but that is unusual. The way memory is laid down in the brain, it would normally be very hard to remember something that happened before you were verbal (before you were talking, using words). However, you might recall sense impressions (like feeling sunlight on your face). Most people probably remember age 4-5 at the youngest.

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