need help with babysitting issues with a naughty child?

2016-01-17 7:57 pm
So I've been babysitting for 4 years now and have never had any issues but last night I babysat for 2 little girls for the first time. One was 6 and the other was about 5 months...the baby was a delight, she did not stop smiling and only cried a little because she was teething but she was good as gold. However the 6 year old was extremely naughty, i'd been warned by people that she was naughty but i didnt think it was this bad. She did not listen to anything i said, even when you ask her a question she didnt answer and just got distracted with something else, she would not let me care for the baby when she needed me she wanted to be with me all the time, she had to do everything herself and was very cheeky, and she was extremely hyper and would not do anything she didnt want to do...the only time she went to her room was if i went with her and watched her ipad with her which i dont mind but i babysat for 8 hours and she did not behave the whole time. At one point I threatened to ring her mother to come home because she was so naughty, this is the one and only time I have ever raised my voice to a child but it seemed to be the only way to stop her doing what she was doing. My boyfriend came over to help towards the end of the night just to watch the baby when I occupied the 6 year old because she obviously needed attention. She would not listen to my boyfriend either and stayed up til quarter past 12 when her parents came home. It seemed she had no routine...what can I do?

Can I just make this clear, the lady who's children I was babysitting said to me it's fine if you have your boyfriend over. I have an illness where my muscles are affected so I get extremely weak and tired, the lady knew this as she is a family friend and I need extra help off my boyfriend who I have been in a relationship for a while with and he knows the family too.

回答 (8)

2016-01-18 2:37 pm
Sounds like her parents let her run the show. If this is the case, there is very little you can do as a baby sitter to do anything to derail this train wreck in the making.

I'd just decline the job in the future.
2016-01-17 11:22 pm
LOL, sorry for the chuckle, but this is a classic case of the older sibling being completely jealous that the baby gets attention.

One suggestion from a dad with 3 kids and 3 step-kids.

Get her to help you with the baby. If she refuses to do that, then she is truly out of control and you should not baby-sit them anymore.
2016-01-17 11:27 pm
It sounds like the child is ADHD or exceptionally bright. She needs stimulating activities that keep her occupied and thinking. At 6 years old, she could be outside playing catch or soccer. If you take her for a walk, make it a treasure hunt so that her mind is occupied. She does not go to sleep because she is not tired and her brain is racing so she cannot settle down.

If she does not have a musical instrument, bring along some music that she can dance to, play charades or dress up or other games that will keep her moving and her mind active. She was bored with you and inattentive because you did not suggest anything that caught her attention.

You "threatened to ring her mother to come home" but that would not be a threat to a child. She would love for her mother to come home because that would mean that you would be gone. Win for her and lose for you!
2016-01-19 9:28 pm
Sounds like she is out of control all the time the parents are at fault not you. She has had no training as how to act. She has no respect for authority. Not much you can do except say no when asked to sit with her again.
You can try some tough love and just sit her down and physically make her stay sat next to you. ting her next to the arm of a chair and sitting so close to her she is unable to move. Looking her in the eyes and making her look you in the eyes when you speak to her and making her repeat what you say to make it known she heard and understands. Sounds harsh but it works
參考: CSD training for my naughty daughter.
2016-01-17 8:05 pm
If, as a babysitter, I found the job a nightmare, I'd not accept the job again. THAT is what I recommend you do. Refuse to babysit for that couple again. They need to find a different babysitter.

If I hired a babysitter and she brought her boyfriend over without my previous permission... I'd never hire her again. The vast majority of parents would feel the same way.
2016-01-19 4:05 pm
You get to say no to this babysitting job, you know?

First, she needs a routine, whether she has one usually or not. Her parents are not doing any favors here. So the ipad goes off one hour before bed (the light has been shown to be too stimulating for adults, much less children). Start soothing activities, like getting dressed for bed and reading in bed.

For her being naughty, learn to count her down. Explain to her that when she is being bad, you will count each time and at three she gets a timeout. So the first time you say "1" and the second time "2" and then on "3" she goes to her room or to a corner for five minutes. She'll learn to stop at "1" or "2" because she doesn't want to get to "3." It works! Get the book 1-2-3 Magic and read it, because it explains this in detail.

But really, you can say no to babysitting this child. Her parents will learn if they can't get a babysitter.

And I agree with the other answer, she's jealous of the baby.
2016-01-20 4:29 am
Sorry this is off the topic but I couldn't help but be bothered that you let your boyfriend take care of two little girls. That is extremely dangerous, what if he did something to the baby or 6 year old. If I was the parents of the children I would be very upset that a this boy that they did not give permission to be there was helping watch their children. You need to be more careful with children because that's how they get taken advantage of.
2016-01-17 10:15 pm
Talk to the parents and see if that is normal behavior for her and what their expectations are of her and of you. She's six years old, she's not naughty, she has a new baby sibling and a new babysitter and possibly recently started school and those are tough transitions for a kid. You can include her in the care of the baby, most kids that age enjoy having responsibilities and feeling needed. You can share your time between her and the baby, it's not hard to give a bottle while you play a game with the older child or to offer, "As soon as the baby is asleep, you and me can make cookies (or something), would you like that?" That gives her incentive to be quiet and to entertain herself for a little while because she knows she will get some time for her.

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