how to deal with a drug addict rebel son? *please read details*?

2016-01-17 7:47 pm
im 15 years old btw, My parents are constantly fighting with my 16 year old brother who is addicted to Marijuana and does absolutely nothing to change and disrespects my parents and told us to go to hell, as mentioned we tried Mental Hospitals and rehab but nothing works. He wants to leave our house and says weve been garbage to him all our life, my parents has cried themselves to sleep and argue day and night, we dont know what do we need alot of help? does anyone know something effective we can do? please tak this seriously

回答 (8)

2016-01-17 8:26 pm
You need to get to Al Anon, or better yet Narc Anon. It is designed for the family and friends of addicts and will teach you the best ways of dealing with your problem family member. Living with an addict can be hell (I know) and when you go there you will find others with the same (and different) problems you have. You will not feel alone and will find friends with whom to share the difficultis you encounter.

Your Mom and Dad need to go also. They will find many people (you may be surprised who is there that you never knew had problem family members) who can share with and it will make them feel better and equip them with some answers to help them deal with this.

But basically you need to realize that the problem lies with your brother. He is accepting no responsibility for his life and is nothing but a mooch off of your parents. You've been garbage to him and he wants to leave? Don't stop him but rather let him go. How long will this mooch stay out there with no one to mooch off? Who pays his bills, who buys his clothes, who feeds him, who gives him a roof to sleep under? I'd say a little living on his own might be just the thing he needs. And then your parents can set down rules by which he can come back into the house.

But obviously your parents don't know how to give him the "tough love" he needs. But they can get it at Narc anon.
2016-01-17 8:16 pm
hi, 'im really sorry for what is happening in your family. but i know the best way to handle this. which social network can i chat you personally?
2016-01-17 8:09 pm
They should let him go. He'll soon discover in the real world just how hard it is to survive and with a bit of luck it will turn him around.
2016-01-17 8:00 pm
You and your parents can go to Nar-Anon, for the families of addicts. Or a similar group.
The effects of drug use by one child can be devastating for the family. And it helps to have the support of people who have been through this and know how you're feeling and what you can do.
2016-01-17 7:58 pm
you could anonymously turn him in for drugs, you can get him out of your house that way and once he sits in juvi for a while he might think twice about doing drugs again
2016-01-17 7:56 pm
Try talking to him seriously, if you haven't already. Tell him that he's not being fair to your parents and that he's ruining your family. If he cares a single once about you, about people who've raised him, then he needs to at least try to stop using the drugs and try to listen. Remind him of times when he wasn't addicted and seemed content and happy with you guys. If he doesn't listen, then write him notes and put it on his desk, or somewhere he'll find it. If he rips it up, don't yell at him. Constantly remind him that you love him and say good morning to him and good night and bless you and thank you.
Find a therapist who specializes in this type of family issue. It may be expensive, and your parents may not want to, but it's worth the money, trust me. Don't ever yell at him; it's just going to make everything worse. He may feel that your parents love you more than him and that he's got no one to love him and that's why he's relying on drugs to get him through.
I hope this helped, and I wish your brother, you, and your family good luck!!! :D
2016-01-17 7:54 pm
Call DCS or somewhere else to have him arrested and see what its like
2016-01-17 7:48 pm
I'd let him leave the house if that's what he wants. Marijuana is not addictive, by the way.

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