Negative or positive? I'm going to retest?

2016-01-17 7:43 pm
Evap line or is this a positive? You can't see it unless oh shine a light behind it

回答 (6)

2016-01-17 7:57 pm
That's the indent line where the ink would fill in if it were positive.
2016-01-18 1:35 am
Seriously… If you have to hold it up to a certain light, turn a certain way, or do something special to "see" the line… I would call that an "inconclusive" test (at best)! Wait for an entire week, then retest. If you are indeed pregnant, the test line will be MUCH more definitive
2016-01-17 9:28 pm
2016-01-17 8:20 pm
Looks negative.
2016-01-19 8:13 pm
Looks negative but i can tell what you mean by a faint line. Wait a day or two and retest. If you are pregnant the hormones this test detects will only increase and youll get a more obvious positive line.
2016-01-17 7:43 pm

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