I have been taking my placebo (sugar pills) instead of my active ones!!?

2016-01-17 7:24 pm
I have started a new brand of birth control and I wasnt quite sure how to use it, because it has the inner and outer circles. I must have misread, and taken the sugar pills first, and its been a week. I just realized that this whole week I have been taking placebo pills instead of my active ones!! Is this in anyway going to affect me? What do I do when I really do have to take the sugar pills?

回答 (2)

2016-01-17 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Have you had any sex? If not, then don't be concerned about having taken only the placebo pills. Just go ahead and start your active pills. Use a condom until you have been on the active pills for seven days. When it comes time to start a new pack, just go straight into the active pills of a new pack. There is no health concern from taking pills back to back. Many women take their pills the continuously, never taking the sugar/placebo/reminder pills.
2016-01-17 7:25 pm
start a new pack of pills

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