Is Bacon good for America, since it's bad for Jihadists?

2016-01-17 7:04 pm
Bacon contains choline, a nutrient that improves memory and brain development used to treat Alzheimer's. Also what radical Islamofascists fear, it teaches in the Koran that Pork is Taboo to them. I'll remember to put extra bacon on my next burger.

回答 (6)

2016-01-17 7:07 pm
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Yes, if it offends Islamofascists then good.
2016-01-17 7:07 pm
Muslim peace activists don't eat bacon either. Neither do Jews, Hindus, and many Buddhists. You're just unbelievably stupid.

Have fun dying of heart disease.
2016-01-17 7:06 pm
Yes. I suggest you ingest several packages of bacon a day. It will protect you from Jihadis.

No, seriously, why kind of stupid question is this?
2016-01-17 7:49 pm
Father ate bacon everyday of his life almost, except for WWII. Only lived till 90, fell and hit his head, that killed him. Didn't even slip on bacon grease.
2016-01-17 7:35 pm
one person conducted an experiment, driving around america offering bacon as payment for what he needed. most accepted it.

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