Handcuffed and put into the back of a cop car, but let free with no charge.?

2016-01-17 10:17 am
So basically what happened is my friend was giving a cop a hard time and I was there with him, I was told to leave however i ended up asking if my friend was okay and stayed a little too long. The cop came up to me in the car told me to get out and put me in handcuffs. I went into the back of the cop car and they looked at my ID and ran it through the computer and searched my car. They didn't charge me with anything and told me to listen to the cop what they say next time and let me go but I'm curious if this encounter will be on my record and how it may affect me. This is in California and i'm over 18

回答 (12)

2016-01-17 9:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
All that legally happened was a temporary detention, and no record is kept of that. However, if you were in your vehicle I fail to see how you could have been interfering with the police officer's investigation unless you were yelling out of the car window, and if you were not interfering I fail to see what justification there was for a detention.
參考: 40 years as a criminal defense attorney
2016-01-17 10:18 am
If youre legit and all seems to check out, it happens
2016-01-17 10:41 am
So what's the question? The cop told you to leave and you failed to comply with an officer's order. They were following procedure
2016-01-18 10:19 am
The cop let you go and you are still crying; You are a headache. A person with a gun gave a simply order to leave and you wanted to stay around.

Failure to obey a police officer and interfering with a police investigation could have been some OF the charges.

Next time listen to the officer. No need to state the law to them. That is the reason we have courtrooms....
2016-01-17 4:14 pm
You were in the way of an officer dealing with a JERK, and you were told to leave. You refused and were restrained so the officer only had to deal with ONE jerk at a time. While you were restrained, they checked to see if there were any records that you are wanted or dangerous.

Did you have an actual question?
2016-01-21 10:19 pm
So, LISTEN to the cop next time and leave your friend alone.
2016-01-19 2:39 am
You were arrested but you were not charged. Therefore it will not show in your record. Also since this was your first time they let you go. Next time do what the officer says, because the next time you will have charges and it will not be good.
2016-01-19 1:03 am
That would be kidnapping. Did they ask you to do any thing while in there control? That would be slavery unless they paid you! But hard to collect on.
2016-01-17 11:17 am
The cops may have placed in an intelligence report of the encounter who knows though it's hardly unlikely as more likely they would have taken action in the period of time you were handcuffed
2016-01-17 1:50 pm
you should file charges, You'll not do that at a Police department or prosecutors office, you'll hand it to a judge / magistrate.

call Rule of Law when they are live on the air.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:22:27
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