Is the following article closer to the truth than comedy?

2016-01-17 8:10 am
Fact Checker of Republican Debate Hospitalized for Exhaustion

CHARLESTON (The Borowitz Report)—A fact checker who has vetted all of
the 2016 Republican Presidential debates was hospitalized for exhaustion
during the sixth G.O.P. forum in Charleston on Thursday evening.
Martin Slessky, a former journalist who works for HonestyWatch, a
Minnesota-based fact-checking organization, was resting comfortably
after suffering what his doctors called a “total physical and mental
collapse” during Thursday’s debate.
Harland Dorrinson, the executive director of HonestyWatch, said he first
became concerned about Slessky’s health when the fact checker started
having heart palpitations and shortness of breath every time Texas
senator Ted Cruz spoke.
“I turned to Martin and said, ‘Are you all right? Are you going to be
able to make it through this?’ ” Dorrinson said. “And he said, ‘I’ll be
fine. Ben Carson is starting to talk now, that’ll be soothing.’ ”
But moments later, when New Jersey Governor Chris Christie falsely
claimed that he never supported the nomination of Supreme Court Justice
Sonia Sotomayor, Slessky experienced acute dizziness and blurry vision,
and was immediately rushed to the hospital.
HonestyWatch’s Dorrinson said it was unlikely that he would ask Slessky
or any of his other fact checkers to work future Republican debates. “I
care about these people,” he said. “Many of them have families.”

Speaking from his hospital bed on Friday, Slessky still seemed blindsided by his sudden disintegration. “Going into the debate, I actually believed that the volume of falsehoods was going to be more manageable this time,” he said. “I thought Carly Fiorina not being there would help.”


Yeah, har har..........moving the question is soooooooooo funny. Even moving it right back.

回答 (11)

2016-01-17 9:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
I find it very strange
2016-01-17 8:16 am
If only every democrat could need a hospital every time they decided to do actual work instead of sucking on welfare.....maybe the world's problems wouldn't be so bad?
2016-01-17 5:40 pm
2016-01-17 1:46 pm
2016-01-17 9:59 am
funny ha
2016-01-17 8:21 am
2016-01-17 7:30 pm
Where is your fact checking for the article. Don't see it. Sounds totally bogus to me.
2016-01-21 11:07 pm
It is pretty funny.
2016-01-17 8:17 pm
All I see is stupidity from you and the article !
2016-01-17 8:19 am
No, they were hospitalized after they were informed that the fact checkers were going to fact check them!

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