What are some ways to deal with depression and anxiety?

2016-01-17 4:02 am

回答 (28)

2016-01-17 4:11 am
The most important thing is to see a doctor and get an accurate diagnosis. There are things that can cause the same symptoms, and there are things that can contribute to the problem.
Medication, from a doctor.
Group counseling.
Also, online support group.
Writing. Or any creative work that allows you to get the feelings out.
Meditation. Or just sit quietly. Prayer can work very much like meditation.
Do something fun.

You should have a safety list. That's a list of things you can do when it gets too bad.

Health. Your basic overall health plays an important factor. So do all those healthy things like exercise, eating right, drinking water.
2016-01-17 5:28 am

It sounds like you are going through a lot right now. Dealing with anxiety and depression can be really tough. It is good that you are reaching out for support.

Anxiety and depression can affect you in many ways including your breathing, your sleep, interaction with others, and mood. Some people might experience a few anxiety (panic) attacks while others can have more. These feelings can be hard to cope with on your own and talking with someone could help. Reaching out to a family member, friend, or even a professional could help you to sort through your feelings. Sometimes those around you may not even know how badly you are feeling and coming up with a plan to address these symptoms is important.

When you start feeling life this, it is important to remind yourself to relax and consider things that are positive for you. Deep breathing and stretching can help you ease muscle tension and take care of the physical symptoms of anxiety and depression too. Try activities that you like in order to get your mind off of the feelings as well. Activities like working out, journaling, listening to music, or reading a book are all good options to distract yourself. Try to relax and take time to do those kinds of activities to see if they help.

Whatever you plan to do, please keep reaching out and take care!

TM, Counselor
參考: Boys Town National Hotline -- Available 24/7 at 1-800-448-3000 -- Teens and Young Adults -- Check out www.yourlifeyourvoice.org
2016-05-16 10:23 am
Do you dream about having everything you could potentially ask for? Heather Mathews' Manifestation Miracle from here https://tr.im/JLgeI shows you how you can use the power of your very own mental capability to literally manifest everything you ever wanted into your life so quickly it will make your head spin!

Manifestation Miracle is an overview of taking advantage of the potential power of Manifestation in your life. Once learned, you can utilize this newly found capability to achieve more, end up being more effective, and enhance the total quality of your life. The product intends to equip you with the tools, resources and knowledge you have to be able to manifest exactly what you want in your life.
2016-01-18 7:27 pm
I too suffer from PTSD and depression as a result of a bad car accident. I sought medical attention and I would advise you to do the same thing. You can be helped and DO NOT feel ashamed because of how you feel, it's not your fault. Pour our your feelings to Almighty God in prayer. He cares about you. Make sure you talk to your family, a doctor, a mature trusted friend, teacher etc. Feelings of worthlessness are a big factor in depression, but please realize that you do have value in God's eyes as well as your friends and family. Never stop praying to God about how you feel. Please don't pick yourself to pieces about every little fault you may have. You probably have strengths you don't see but others do. Depression will not last forever, just make sure you get the help you need. I will be rooting for you. see jw.org to read articles that can help you.
2016-01-18 4:55 pm
First see a doctor if it is severe enough you will get medication that could help
As weird as it may sound herbal tea can actually help with stress and anxiety
Talking to someone who also suffers from axisty and depression can help you realize you aren't alone.
Pets are also very good stress relievers talk to your parents (if you are young) about getting a pet something as simple as a hamster could help majorly!
Diet also plays a huge role try eating healthy more fruits and veggies and that should help too
參考: I have anxiety :)
2016-01-18 4:23 pm
First, I'm sorry your inner heart hurts. To me that is what it feels like. Sometimes it' like my heart is trying to attack my mind and lead it in a direction I don't want to go. Most of what has already been said works well. I just want to add. It has helped me through the years to keep a journal in which helps me to see how much I have got through. Many times I didn't see a way out but it came. Another thing that has helped me is asking someone to be there if I really need to talk. Someone I know will keep my thoughts private. Two more things is When I'm really down I remember two scriptures which I read Philippians 4:6,7 and 1 Peter 5:7. Then I do what they say pour my heart out in prayer and ask God to give my heart and mind peace. I know we don't always feel like it, and sometimes people don't act like it but we can find those that care. I have never met you and yet even I care.
2016-01-18 10:29 am
Find friends to express your feelings. I believe they could give you nice advice and mental support to relieve the depression and anxiety. Life is full of challenges. Try to take it easy. I remember one of my previous bosses said "don t take your life too seriously".
Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss quoted that “Nonsense wakes up the brain cells. And it helps develop a sense of humor, which is awfully important in this day and age. Humor has a tremendous place in this sordid world. It’s more than just a matter of laughing. If you can see things out of whack, then you can see how things can be in whack.”
Hope it is helpful to you! Cheers!!!
2016-01-18 5:04 am
Thinking positive thoughts. Replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Exercising eg dancing.

When I felt depressed I realised I was sleeping at night and then woke up the next day in the evening and it made me feel depressed somehow. I decided to wake up earlier And when I woke up at like 9am or 10am in the morning in the daylight my mood was so much better.

I have anxiety too. I just replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts the best I can.
2016-01-18 2:03 am
If you don't feel ready to go to the doctors about it (it literally took me years, and then I'd stop going), here are some things that help me through.

-if you have a sudden attack of anxiety or a panic attack, the first thing you need to do is to make sure you are aware of your surroundings. Listing the things around you and describing them to yourself helps you concentrate on something. For example
Start with looking around you, describe in small detail a few objects you can see
A blue bike, green grass, people shopping etc
Then describe what you can hear
Then describe what clothing you are wearing
By describing the things around you this helps you bring yourself back into reality whilst allowing yourself to concentrate on not panicing.

Another thing I find useful is having a rubber band or a hair tie around my wrist. If I feel a build up of anxiety I can tug away at it a little bit, it has the same effect as bubble wrap!

I do wish to write more but there aren't enough characters!
2016-01-17 4:16 am
Scientific studies show that the best method for treating depression and anxiety is a combination of medication and counseling.

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