Ucas choice一問?

2016-01-16 4:21 pm
Predicted grade有5** 5* 5
所以揀咗 Warwick QueenMary Manchester Leeds同 Cardiff嘅law school

1)想問若Manchester同Leeds同Cardiff 三個choice入面何者較好( in terms of reputation/質素/環境)
2) Law school不嬲都好competitive 究竟非一線law school (例如UCL LSE KCL WARWICK等) 會唔會好大影響對於未來就業? 定係其實係一啲一線尾二線頭嘅uni secure到2:1 入pcll 都冇分別?
3) QueenMary 嘅law school係幾出名 但唔少人話overall QM嘅質素同reputation冇咁好 到底屬真屬否?
4) 本人為2016DSE考生 若然香港考獲HKU CU 法律學位當然會留港升學 但未知若然只能考獲城大 又假設以上uni有conditional offer 應唔應該去英國呢?
5) general comments 關於以上嘅大學法律學位 同埋你地會點rank ??

Thank you :)

回答 (2)

2016-01-21 10:15 pm
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1)想問若Manchester同Leeds同Cardiff 三個choice入面何者較好( in terms of reputation/質素/環境)

>> 其實3暑都係差唔多, 真係要揀可以會揀manchester > cardiff > leeds, 呢3間讀law 都唔係好出名 (MAN/leeds 係business 果邊, cardiff 係medic 果邊).

2) Law school不嬲都好competitive 究竟非一線law school (例如UCL LSE KCL WARWICK等) 會唔會好大影響對於未來就業? 定係其實係一啲一線尾二線頭嘅uni secure到2:1 入pcll 都冇分別?

>> 會有一定既影響, 香港有一d law firm 係睇你係咩大學出黎既. 如果冇分別既話, 又點解會有ranking 呢? 所以最好aim 一d 好少少既大學, 咁出到黎個cv 好睇少少. 而且對搵intern 會有幫助.

3) QueenMary 嘅law school係幾出名 但唔少人話overall QM嘅質素同reputation冇咁好 到底屬真屬否?

>> 可以咁講啦, 因為QM 係屬於london u 入面既其中一間, 因為london u 入面既其中幾間出名, 所以亦會有人聽過QM. 所以個人認為如果你warwick 有interview 既話, 就要博到盡了.

4) 本人為2016DSE考生 若然香港考獲HKU CU 法律學位當然會留港升學 但未知若然只能考獲城大 又假設以上uni有conditional offer 應唔應該去英國呢?

>> 好睇你屋企可唔可以負擔到, 如果可以既話, 會睇係咩大學既offer, warwick 既話會去, 因為讀完出黎仲要番hk 讀pcll, 比起係hk 讀law 會複雜少少.

5) general comments 關於以上嘅大學法律學位 同埋你地會點rank ??

>> 見上面comment.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
2016-01-18 1:17 am
1-3. It is all about surviving and get into PCLL (or passing the Bar exam).

So the program's reputation is not a key issue. You simply need to choose an locally accredited program.

4. Your call.

5. You focus too much on the reputation of the university. Crossing the finish line (graduate and get admitted into PCLL/pass the bar exam) is more important.

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